Random of Testimonial Bubbles with XML and jQuery

This JavaScript code example uses jQuery framework and a XML file to create a section for displaying random of testimonial bubbles. It has an amazing design for layout and the testimonials will be displayed randomly with blur effects, you can easily replace with other effects with built-in jQuery animation effects. An unique and amazing testimonial JavaScript effect for ecommerce websites.

Sampled by © JavaScriptBank.com


the jQuery is only used to display the main portion of the script....you can look at all the functions by downloading the .ZIP archive and checking it out.

First, 'x' is given the result of loadXMLdoc which are all the nodes in the 'testimonials.xml' file. I grabbed this code right off of W3C Schools back when I came up with this...nothing big.

Next, 'elementlist' is loaded up with the total number of nodes in the document.

Then, 'rndm' is assigned a random number between 1 and the total number of nodes in 'testimonials.xml'

Then, the quote, author, and department info from the selected XML node is assigned to their respective html elements.

The process is set to repeat itself every 10 seconds and fades in and out using jQuery.

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