
Print - Text Animation - JavaScriptBank.com

Full version: jsB@nk » Funny » Text Animation
URL: https://www.javascriptbank.com/text-animation.html

Text Animation © JavaScriptBank.comCheck out this JavaScript-powered text animation artwork. A cheerleader runs through her entire routine. Wow.

Full version: jsB@nk » Funny » Text Animation
URL: https://www.javascriptbank.com/text-animation.html

<SCRIPT language=JavaScript>var agt=navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase();if (agt.indexOf("mac") != -1)var a="\r"; elsevar a="\n";var max=0;function tlist() {max=tlist.arguments.length;for (i=0; i<max; i++)this[i]=tlist.arguments[i];}tl = new tlist("   o"+a+"  /|\\"+a+" */ \\*        "+a,"   o_"+a+"  \<| *"+a+"  *\>\\         "+a,"  _o/*"+a+" * |"+a+"  / \\         "+a," *\o_"+a+"  /  *"+a+" \<\\           "+a,"  _o/*"+a+" * |"+a+"  / \\         "+a," *\\c/*"+a+"   )"+a+"  / \>         "+a,"     *"+a+"  \\__/c"+a+"   \> \\*       "+a,"   __/"+a+"    (o_*"+a+"     \\*       "+a,"      \\ /"+a+"       |"+a+"     */o\\*    "+a,"       \\_"+a+"       ("+a+"     */o\\*    "+a,"        \<_"+a+"      __("+a+"     * o|*    "+a,"         /_"+a+"      __("+a+"     * o|*    "+a,"         ___"+a+"      *\/ \>"+a+"       o|*    "+a,"        *"+a+"       o|_/"+a+"      */  \\   "+a,"        *"+a+"      _o|_"+a+"     *   \>\\   "+a,"       _o/*"+a+"      * |"+a+"       / \\    "+a,"      *\\o/*"+a+"        |"+a+"       / \\    "+a,"      c/*"+a+"      \<\\"+a+"      */\\     "+a,"      c__"+a+"      \<\ *"+a+"      */\\     "+a,"      c__"+a+"      /\ *"+a+"     * /\>     "+a,"      c/*"+a+"     /(__"+a+"    * /       "+a,"    __o/*"+a+"    * (__"+a+"      \<       "+a,"      __o_"+a+"     * /  *"+a+"      \<\\      "+a,"     *_o_"+a+"       | *"+a+"      \< \\     "+a,"     *_c_*"+a+"       |"+a+"       \>\\     "+a,"     *_c_*"+a+"       |__"+a+"       \>      "+a,"     *_c_*"+a+"     __|__"+a+"              "+a," "+a+"     *_c_*"+a+"     __)__    "+a," "+a+"     *\\c/*"+a+"     __)__    "+a);var x=0;function tick() {document.animation.cheerleader.value = " " + a +tl[x];x++;if (x != max)setTimeout("tick()", 200);elsex = 0;}</SCRIPT><!--    This script downloaded from www.JavaScriptBank.com    Come to view and download over 2000+ free javascript at www.JavaScriptBank.com-->

<BODY onload=tick()><FORM name=animation><TEXTAREA name=cheerleader rows=5 cols="20"></TEXTAREA> <BR><INPUT onclick=javascript:tick() type=button value="Redo"></FORM></BODY><!--    This script downloaded from www.JavaScriptBank.com    Come to view and download over 2000+ free javascript at www.JavaScriptBank.com-->