Dodge 'Em-Racing Car 2

Avoid the other cars as you drive down the road.

Over 2000+ free Javascript
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Installation Instructions:

1: Copy and paste the following style declaration in the HEAD section of your page:
Select all...

Copy and paste the following script in the HEAD section of your page:
Select all...

3: Copy and paste the following HTML in the BODY section of your page:
Select all...

4: There is a "yoffset" variable at the top of the script you can use to set how far down the page the game starts. A setting of 0 sets the game right at the top, bigger numbers push the game down the page. The horizontal position is always centered.

5: If you have page content after the game, you'll have to add a bunch of linebreak tags ( <BR> ) or something to give the game enough "whitespace".