Hangman: Countries & Cities

It's the old fashion Hangman game, but this time with a new look and additional features. You can choose to play from two categories: Capitals or Countries. Upon successfully guessing the word, detailed information (including the country's location, capital, neighbors, language, population and more) are revealed. Enjoy playing and enrich your knowledge.

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a- Select a category:
Capital Cities Countries

b- Activate Random

Rules of the game:
a- Choose a category.
b- Activate a random word.
c- Guess letter one at a time then push "Enter" button.
- Bad guesses will be counted against yoou.
- You are allowed wrong guesses equal too the length of the mysterious word.
- The counter down the page shows how maany bad guesses remain.
Warning! You only have bad guess before you lose!.
Statistics & Facts
City Capital:
Country's Name:
Population (2001):
Literacy Rate:
Note. The number of Countries/Capital Cities enlisted in the Game is: so far.