JsTetris: Free Awesome JavaScript Online Tetris Game

Perhaps Tetris is not weird with anyone because of its famousness, was born in 1984 (same age with Mario), Tetris is one of oldest games. And now, Tetris has been released over 125 millions copies, Tetris presents on all gaming platforms: PC, console, web-based environment, mobile, etc.

Free Tetris games has also been available on jsB@nk very early from beginning with JavaScript Tetris games:

- JavaScript Advance tetris
- JavaScript Simple Tetris
- JavaScript Simple tetris

Today, jsB@nk is happy and pleasure to present you a new cool and amazing JavaScript Tetris game, let's enjoy it in inner page.

Try more Facebook games, other JavaScript games on jsB@nk if you stil want to play:
- Top 50 Most Addictive and Popular Facebook mini games
- 12 Awesome and Creative JavaScript Games you should try
- Cross Browser Black Snake Game

Sampled by © JavaScriptBank.com

JsTetris 1.1.0

Game Over
Level: 1
Score: 0
Lines: 0
APM: 0
Time: 0
Help x
up - rotate
down - move down
left - move left
right - move right
space - fall to the bottom
n - new game
r - reset

1) Puzzle speed = 80+700/level miliseconds, the smaller value the faster puzzle falls
2) If puzzles created in current level >= 10+level*2 then increase level
3) After puzzle falling score is increased by 1000*level*linesRemoved
4) Each "down" action increases score by 5+level (pressing space counts as multiple down actions)
Highscores x

Note: these scores are kept in cookies, they are only visible to your computer, other players that visit this page see their own scores.

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