
Print - Country Guessing Game - JavaScriptBank.com

Full version: jsB@nk » Game » Puzzle » Country Guessing Game
URL: https://www.javascriptbank.com/country-guessing-game.html

Country Guessing Game © JavaScriptBank.comThe goal of this JavaScript game is to guess a country name. The computer will randomly generate a country and you have to find the country name. Works in most browsers on Windows platform.

Full version: jsB@nk » Game » Puzzle » Country Guessing Game
URL: https://www.javascriptbank.com/country-guessing-game.html

<STYLE TYPE="text/css"><!--.tab { border: 1px solid #000000; }.td1 { font-family: Helvetica, sans-serif, Verdana, Arial; font-size: 13; font-weight: bold; background-color: #FF9900; color: #FFFFFF; border: 0px none; }.txt1 { font-family: Helvetica, sans-serif, Verdana, Arial; font-size: 13; font-weight: bold; background-color: #FF9900; color: #FFFFFF; border: 0px none; }.txt2 { font-family: Helvetica, sans-serif, Verdana, Arial; font-size: 12; font-weight: normal; border: 1px solid #000000; }.btn { font-family: Helvetica, sans-serif, Verdana, Arial; font-size: 12; background-color: #0099FF; color: #FFFFFF; border: 1px solid #FFFFFF; cursor: hand }//--></STYLE><!--    This script downloaded from www.JavaScriptBank.com    Come to view and download over 2000+ free javascript at www.JavaScriptBank.com-->

<SCRIPT LANGUAGE="JavaScript" TYPE="text/javascript"><!--/* declaring an array to hold the country names */ var country = new Array(180);/* initializing the array */   country[0] = "AFGHANISTAN";   country[1] = "AFRICA";   country[2] = "ALBANIA";   country[3] = "ALGERIA";   country[4] = "AMERICA";   country[5] = "ANDORRA";   country[6] = "ANGOLA";   country[7] = "ANTARCTICA";   country[8] = "ARGENTINA";   country[9] = "ARMENIA";  country[10] = "AUSTRALIA";  country[11] = "AUSTRIA";  country[12] = "AZERBAIJAN";  country[13] = "BAHAMAS";  country[14] = "BAHRAIN";  country[15] = "BANGLADESH";  country[16] = "BARBADOS";  country[17] = "BELARUS";  country[18] = "BELGIUM";  country[19] = "BELIZE";  country[20] = "BENIN";  country[21] = "BHUTAN";  country[22] = "BOLIVIA";  country[23] = "BOSNIA HERZEGOVINA";  country[24] = "BOTSWANA";  country[25] = "BRAZIL";  country[26] = "BRUNEI";  country[27] = "BULGARIA";  country[28] = "BURKINA";  country[29] = "BURUNDI";  country[30] = "CAMBODIA";  country[31] = "CAMEROON";  country[32] = "CANADA";  country[33] = "CAPE VERDE ISLANDS";  country[34] = "CHAD";  country[35] = "CHILE";  country[36] = "CHINA";  country[37] = "COLOMBIA";  country[38] = "COMOROS";  country[39] = "CONGO";  country[40] = "COSTA RICA";  country[41] = "CROATIA";  country[42] = "CUBA";  country[43] = "CYPRUS";  country[44] = "CZECH REPUBLIC";  country[45] = "DENMARK";  country[46] = "DJIBOUTI";  country[47] = "DOMINICAN REPUBLIC";  country[48] = "ECUADOR";  country[49] = "EGYPT";  country[50] = "EL SALVADOR";  country[51] = "ERITREA";  country[52] = "ESTONIA";  country[53] = "ETHIOPIA";  country[54] = "EUROPE";  country[55] = "FIJI";  country[56] = "FINLAND";  country[57] = "FRANCE";  country[58] = "GABON";  country[59] = "GAMBIA";  country[60] = "GEORGIA";  country[61] = "GERMANY";  country[62] = "GHANA";  country[63] = "GREECE";  country[64] = "GRENADA";  country[65] = "GUATEMALA";  country[66] = "GUINEA";  country[67] = "HAITI";  country[68] = "HOLLAND";  country[69] = "HONDURAS";  country[70] = "HONG KONG";  country[71] = "HUNGARY";  country[72] = "ICELAND";  country[73] = "INDIA";  country[74] = "INDONESIA";  country[75] = "IRAN";  country[76] = "IRAQ";  country[77] = "ISRAEL";  country[78] = "ITALY";  country[79] = "JAMAICA";  country[80] = "JAPAN";  country[81] = "JORDAN";  country[82] = "KAZAKHSTAN";  country[83] = "KENYA";  country[84] = "KIRGYZSTAN";  country[85] = "KIRIBATI";  country[86] = "KOREA";  country[87] = "KUWAIT";  country[88] = "LAOS";  country[89] = "LATVIA";  country[90] = "LEBANON";  country[91] = "LESOTHO";  country[92] = "LIBERIA";  country[93] = "LIBYA";  country[94] = "LIECHTENSTEIN";  country[95] = "LITHUANIA";  country[96] = "LUXEMBOURG";  country[97] = "MADAGASCAR";  country[98] = "MALAWI";  country[99] = "MALAYSIA"; country[100] = "MALDIVES"; country[101] = "MALI"; country[102] = "MALTA"; country[103] = "MAURITANIA"; country[104] = "MAURITIUS"; country[105] = "MEXICO"; country[106] = "MOLDOVA"; country[107] = "MONACO"; country[108] = "MONGOLIA"; country[109] = "MONTSERRAT"; country[110] = "MOROCCO"; country[111] = "MOZAMBIQUE"; country[112] = "MYANMAR"; country[113] = "NAMIBIA"; country[114] = "NAURU"; country[115] = "NEPAL"; country[116] = "NETHERLANDS"; country[117] = "NEW ZEALAND"; country[118] = "NICARAGUA"; country[119] = "NIGERIA"; country[120] = "NORWAY"; country[121] = "OMAN"; country[122] = "PAKISTAN"; country[123] = "PANAMA"; country[124] = "PAPUA NEW GUINEA"; country[125] = "PARAGUAY"; country[126] = "PERU"; country[127] = "PHILIPPINES"; country[128] = "POLAND"; country[129] = "PORTUGAL"; country[130] = "QATAR"; country[131] = "ROMANIA"; country[132] = "RUSSIA"; country[133] = "RWANDA"; country[134] = "SAN MARINO"; country[135] = "SAUDI ARABIA"; country[136] = "SENEGAL"; country[137] = "SEYCHELLES"; country[138] = "SIERRA LEONE"; country[139] = "SINGAPORE"; country[140] = "SLOVAKIA"; country[141] = "SLOVENIA"; country[142] = "SOLOMON ISLANDS"; country[143] = "SOMALIA"; country[144] = "SOUTH AFRICA"; country[145] = "SPAIN"; country[146] = "SRI LANKA"; country[147] = "SUDAN"; country[148] = "SURINAM"; country[149] = "SWAZILAND"; country[150] = "SWEDEN"; country[151] = "SWITZERLAND"; country[152] = "SYRIA"; country[153] = "TAIWAN"; country[154] = "TAJIKITAN"; country[155] = "TANZANIA"; country[156] = "THAILAND"; country[157] = "TOGO"; country[158] = "TONGA"; country[159] = "TRINIDAD"; country[160] = "TUNISIA"; country[161] = "TURKEY"; country[162] = "TURKMENISTAN"; country[163] = "TUVALU"; country[164] = "UGANDA"; country[165] = "UKRAINE"; country[166] = "UNITED ARAB EMIRATES"; country[167] = "URUGUAY"; country[168] = "UZBEKISTAN"; country[169] = "VANUATU"; country[170] = "VATICAN CITY"; country[171] = "VENEZUELA"; country[172] = "VIETNAM"; country[173] = "WEST INDIES"; country[174] = "WESTERN SAMOA"; country[175] = "YEMEN REPUBLIC"; country[176] = "YUGOSLAVIA"; country[177] = "ZAIRE"; country[178] = "ZAMBIA"; country[179] = "ZIMBABWE";/* generates a random integer between 0 to 179 */ var sr = Math.floor(Math.random() * 180);/* stores the country name */ var temp = country[sr];/* declaring and initializing tries */ var tries = 0;/* the main function */ function guessit() {   var guess = document.form1.guess1.value;   tries++;   window.status = "Goi y : " + tries + "           http://jsbank.topcities.com";   switch(tries)   {     case 1:     document.form1.hint.value = "Hint #1: Name of country starts with character " + temp.charAt(0);     break;     case 2:     document.form1.hint.value = "Hint #2: Name of country ends with character " + temp.charAt(temp.length - 1);     break;     case 3:     document.form1.hint.value = "Hint #3: Name of country have " + temp.length + " characters";     break;     default:     document.form1.hint.value = "You must answer by yourself!";   }   if(guess.toUpperCase() == temp)/* if guess equals to temp */   {     if(window.confirm("Dung tuyet doi ! Vang, nuoc do la " + temp + "\nBan co muon choi lai khong?"))      window.location.reload();/* reloads the page for a new game */   }   else   {     if(tries == 5) /* game over */     {if(window.confirm("Sorry! Time out, that country is " + temp + "\nDo you want to retry?")){  window.location.reload();/* reloads the page for a new game */  document.form1.hint.value = "Enter your name and click Guess button!";}     }   } }/* end of guessit() function! *///--></SCRIPT><SCRIPT LANGUAGE="JavaScript" TYPE="text/javascript"><!-- function catchKeyCode() //calls when the user press the RETURN key {   if(event.keyCode == 13)    guessit(); } function stat() {   window.status = "Hint : " + tries + "             http://javascriptbank.com"; } function clearBox() {   document.form1.guess1.value = ""; } function newGame() {   if(window.confirm("Do you want to start a new game?"))   {     window.location.reload();/* reloads the page for a new game */     document.form1.hint.value = "Enter your name and click Guess button!";   } }//--></SCRIPT><!--    This script downloaded from www.JavaScriptBank.com    Come to view and download over 2000+ free javascript at www.JavaScriptBank.com-->

<BODY onLoad=stat() onKeyPress=catchKeyCode() style="font-family: Verdana; font-size: 10pt"><FORM NAME=form1><TABLE CLASS=tab BORDER=0 BGCOLOR=#FF9900 CELLPADDING=4 CELLSPACING=0><TR><TD CLASS=td1><INPUT TYPE=text SIZE=50 NAME=hint VALUE="Enter your name to play" READONLY CLASS=txt1></TD></TR><TR><TD CLASS=td1><INPUT TYPE=text NAME=guess1 SIZE=60 CLASS=txt2 TITLE="Phong doan cua ban o day."></TD></TR><TR><TD CALSS=td1 ALIGN=right><INPUT TYPE=button VALUE=Guess! onClick=guessit() CLASS=btn TITLE="Click vao day de co 1 goi y hoac kiem tra phong doan cua ban."><INPUT TYPE=button VALUE=Clear onClick=clearBox() CLASS=btn TITLE="Click o day de xoa chu trong box."><INPUT TYPE=button VALUE=New onClick=newGame() CLASS=btn TITLE="Click o day de bat dau tro choi moi ."></TD></TR></TABLE></FORM></body><!--    This script downloaded from www.JavaScriptBank.com    Come to view and download over 2000+ free javascript at www.JavaScriptBank.com-->