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Phiên bản đầy đủ: jsB@nk » Trò chơi » Giải đố » Đoán tên quốc gia
URL: https://www.javascriptbank.com/country-guessing-game.html

Đoán tên quốc gia © JavaScriptBank.comTrò chơi JavaScript này sử dụng kiến thức của bạn để đoán tên một quốc gia dựa vào các dữ kiện được đưa ra. Dữ liệu của trò chơi JavaScript hiện có là 180 quốc gia.

Phiên bản đầy đủ: jsB@nk » Trò chơi » Giải đố » Đoán tên quốc gia
URL: https://www.javascriptbank.com/country-guessing-game.html

<STYLE TYPE="text/css"><!--.tab { border: 1px solid #000000; }.td1 { font-family: Helvetica, sans-serif, Verdana, Arial; font-size: 13; font-weight: bold; background-color: #FF9900; color: #FFFFFF; border: 0px none; }.txt1 { font-family: Helvetica, sans-serif, Verdana, Arial; font-size: 13; font-weight: bold; background-color: #FF9900; color: #FFFFFF; border: 0px none; }.txt2 { font-family: Helvetica, sans-serif, Verdana, Arial; font-size: 12; font-weight: normal; border: 1px solid #000000; }.btn { font-family: Helvetica, sans-serif, Verdana, Arial; font-size: 12; background-color: #0099FF; color: #FFFFFF; border: 1px solid #FFFFFF; cursor: hand }//--></STYLE><!--    This script downloaded from www.JavaScriptBank.com    Come to view and download over 2000+ free javascript at www.JavaScriptBank.com-->

<SCRIPT LANGUAGE="JavaScript" TYPE="text/javascript"><!--/* declaring an array to hold the country names */ var country = new Array(180);/* initializing the array */   country[0] = "AFGHANISTAN";   country[1] = "AFRICA";   country[2] = "ALBANIA";   country[3] = "ALGERIA";   country[4] = "AMERICA";   country[5] = "ANDORRA";   country[6] = "ANGOLA";   country[7] = "ANTARCTICA";   country[8] = "ARGENTINA";   country[9] = "ARMENIA";  country[10] = "AUSTRALIA";  country[11] = "AUSTRIA";  country[12] = "AZERBAIJAN";  country[13] = "BAHAMAS";  country[14] = "BAHRAIN";  country[15] = "BANGLADESH";  country[16] = "BARBADOS";  country[17] = "BELARUS";  country[18] = "BELGIUM";  country[19] = "BELIZE";  country[20] = "BENIN";  country[21] = "BHUTAN";  country[22] = "BOLIVIA";  country[23] = "BOSNIA HERZEGOVINA";  country[24] = "BOTSWANA";  country[25] = "BRAZIL";  country[26] = "BRUNEI";  country[27] = "BULGARIA";  country[28] = "BURKINA";  country[29] = "BURUNDI";  country[30] = "CAMBODIA";  country[31] = "CAMEROON";  country[32] = "CANADA";  country[33] = "CAPE VERDE ISLANDS";  country[34] = "CHAD";  country[35] = "CHILE";  country[36] = "CHINA";  country[37] = "COLOMBIA";  country[38] = "COMOROS";  country[39] = "CONGO";  country[40] = "COSTA RICA";  country[41] = "CROATIA";  country[42] = "CUBA";  country[43] = "CYPRUS";  country[44] = "CZECH REPUBLIC";  country[45] = "DENMARK";  country[46] = "DJIBOUTI";  country[47] = "DOMINICAN REPUBLIC";  country[48] = "ECUADOR";  country[49] = "EGYPT";  country[50] = "EL SALVADOR";  country[51] = "ERITREA";  country[52] = "ESTONIA";  country[53] = "ETHIOPIA";  country[54] = "EUROPE";  country[55] = "FIJI";  country[56] = "FINLAND";  country[57] = "FRANCE";  country[58] = "GABON";  country[59] = "GAMBIA";  country[60] = "GEORGIA";  country[61] = "GERMANY";  country[62] = "GHANA";  country[63] = "GREECE";  country[64] = "GRENADA";  country[65] = "GUATEMALA";  country[66] = "GUINEA";  country[67] = "HAITI";  country[68] = "HOLLAND";  country[69] = "HONDURAS";  country[70] = "HONG KONG";  country[71] = "HUNGARY";  country[72] = "ICELAND";  country[73] = "INDIA";  country[74] = "INDONESIA";  country[75] = "IRAN";  country[76] = "IRAQ";  country[77] = "ISRAEL";  country[78] = "ITALY";  country[79] = "JAMAICA";  country[80] = "JAPAN";  country[81] = "JORDAN";  country[82] = "KAZAKHSTAN";  country[83] = "KENYA";  country[84] = "KIRGYZSTAN";  country[85] = "KIRIBATI";  country[86] = "KOREA";  country[87] = "KUWAIT";  country[88] = "LAOS";  country[89] = "LATVIA";  country[90] = "LEBANON";  country[91] = "LESOTHO";  country[92] = "LIBERIA";  country[93] = "LIBYA";  country[94] = "LIECHTENSTEIN";  country[95] = "LITHUANIA";  country[96] = "LUXEMBOURG";  country[97] = "MADAGASCAR";  country[98] = "MALAWI";  country[99] = "MALAYSIA"; country[100] = "MALDIVES"; country[101] = "MALI"; country[102] = "MALTA"; country[103] = "MAURITANIA"; country[104] = "MAURITIUS"; country[105] = "MEXICO"; country[106] = "MOLDOVA"; country[107] = "MONACO"; country[108] = "MONGOLIA"; country[109] = "MONTSERRAT"; country[110] = "MOROCCO"; country[111] = "MOZAMBIQUE"; country[112] = "MYANMAR"; country[113] = "NAMIBIA"; country[114] = "NAURU"; country[115] = "NEPAL"; country[116] = "NETHERLANDS"; country[117] = "NEW ZEALAND"; country[118] = "NICARAGUA"; country[119] = "NIGERIA"; country[120] = "NORWAY"; country[121] = "OMAN"; country[122] = "PAKISTAN"; country[123] = "PANAMA"; country[124] = "PAPUA NEW GUINEA"; country[125] = "PARAGUAY"; country[126] = "PERU"; country[127] = "PHILIPPINES"; country[128] = "POLAND"; country[129] = "PORTUGAL"; country[130] = "QATAR"; country[131] = "ROMANIA"; country[132] = "RUSSIA"; country[133] = "RWANDA"; country[134] = "SAN MARINO"; country[135] = "SAUDI ARABIA"; country[136] = "SENEGAL"; country[137] = "SEYCHELLES"; country[138] = "SIERRA LEONE"; country[139] = "SINGAPORE"; country[140] = "SLOVAKIA"; country[141] = "SLOVENIA"; country[142] = "SOLOMON ISLANDS"; country[143] = "SOMALIA"; country[144] = "SOUTH AFRICA"; country[145] = "SPAIN"; country[146] = "SRI LANKA"; country[147] = "SUDAN"; country[148] = "SURINAM"; country[149] = "SWAZILAND"; country[150] = "SWEDEN"; country[151] = "SWITZERLAND"; country[152] = "SYRIA"; country[153] = "TAIWAN"; country[154] = "TAJIKITAN"; country[155] = "TANZANIA"; country[156] = "THAILAND"; country[157] = "TOGO"; country[158] = "TONGA"; country[159] = "TRINIDAD"; country[160] = "TUNISIA"; country[161] = "TURKEY"; country[162] = "TURKMENISTAN"; country[163] = "TUVALU"; country[164] = "UGANDA"; country[165] = "UKRAINE"; country[166] = "UNITED ARAB EMIRATES"; country[167] = "URUGUAY"; country[168] = "UZBEKISTAN"; country[169] = "VANUATU"; country[170] = "VATICAN CITY"; country[171] = "VENEZUELA"; country[172] = "VIETNAM"; country[173] = "WEST INDIES"; country[174] = "WESTERN SAMOA"; country[175] = "YEMEN REPUBLIC"; country[176] = "YUGOSLAVIA"; country[177] = "ZAIRE"; country[178] = "ZAMBIA"; country[179] = "ZIMBABWE";/* generates a random integer between 0 to 179 */ var sr = Math.floor(Math.random() * 180);/* stores the country name */ var temp = country[sr];/* declaring and initializing tries */ var tries = 0;/* the main function */ function guessit() {   var guess = document.form1.guess1.value;   tries++;   window.status = "Goi y : " + tries + "           http://jsbank.topcities.com";   switch(tries)   {     case 1:     document.form1.hint.value = "Hint #1: Name of country starts with character " + temp.charAt(0);     break;     case 2:     document.form1.hint.value = "Hint #2: Name of country ends with character " + temp.charAt(temp.length - 1);     break;     case 3:     document.form1.hint.value = "Hint #3: Name of country have " + temp.length + " characters";     break;     default:     document.form1.hint.value = "You must answer by yourself!";   }   if(guess.toUpperCase() == temp)/* if guess equals to temp */   {     if(window.confirm("Dung tuyet doi ! Vang, nuoc do la " + temp + "\nBan co muon choi lai khong?"))      window.location.reload();/* reloads the page for a new game */   }   else   {     if(tries == 5) /* game over */     {if(window.confirm("Sorry! Time out, that country is " + temp + "\nDo you want to retry?")){  window.location.reload();/* reloads the page for a new game */  document.form1.hint.value = "Enter your name and click Guess button!";}     }   } }/* end of guessit() function! *///--></SCRIPT><SCRIPT LANGUAGE="JavaScript" TYPE="text/javascript"><!-- function catchKeyCode() //calls when the user press the RETURN key {   if(event.keyCode == 13)    guessit(); } function stat() {   window.status = "Hint : " + tries + "             http://javascriptbank.com"; } function clearBox() {   document.form1.guess1.value = ""; } function newGame() {   if(window.confirm("Do you want to start a new game?"))   {     window.location.reload();/* reloads the page for a new game */     document.form1.hint.value = "Enter your name and click Guess button!";   } }//--></SCRIPT><!--    This script downloaded from www.JavaScriptBank.com    Come to view and download over 2000+ free javascript at www.JavaScriptBank.com-->

<BODY onLoad=stat() onKeyPress=catchKeyCode() style="font-family: Verdana; font-size: 10pt"><FORM NAME=form1><TABLE CLASS=tab BORDER=0 BGCOLOR=#FF9900 CELLPADDING=4 CELLSPACING=0><TR><TD CLASS=td1><INPUT TYPE=text SIZE=50 NAME=hint VALUE="Enter your name to play" READONLY CLASS=txt1></TD></TR><TR><TD CLASS=td1><INPUT TYPE=text NAME=guess1 SIZE=60 CLASS=txt2 TITLE="Phong doan cua ban o day."></TD></TR><TR><TD CALSS=td1 ALIGN=right><INPUT TYPE=button VALUE=Guess! onClick=guessit() CLASS=btn TITLE="Click vao day de co 1 goi y hoac kiem tra phong doan cua ban."><INPUT TYPE=button VALUE=Clear onClick=clearBox() CLASS=btn TITLE="Click o day de xoa chu trong box."><INPUT TYPE=button VALUE=New onClick=newGame() CLASS=btn TITLE="Click o day de bat dau tro choi moi ."></TD></TR></TABLE></FORM></body><!--    This script downloaded from www.JavaScriptBank.com    Come to view and download over 2000+ free javascript at www.JavaScriptBank.com-->