
Print - Simple Math Game - JavaScriptBank.com

Full version: jsB@nk » Game » Simple Math Game
URL: https://www.javascriptbank.com/simple-math-game.html

Simple Math Game © JavaScriptBank.comThis is a simple math game that gives you a random math problem and you try to answer as many as you can in the amount of time given.

Full version: jsB@nk » Game » Simple Math Game
URL: https://www.javascriptbank.com/simple-math-game.html

<SCRIPT language=JavaScript><!-- // Copyright (c) 2003 Matthew & Grant Davidson All Rights Reserved.font='Ravie';answerSize=30;  ymouse= 0;xmouse= 0;MaxNum= 15; var OperatorMax;OperatorMax = new Array;OperatorMax[0] = 3;OperatorMax[1] = 8;OperatorMax[2] = 12;numberBackgroundColor = 'silver';var Questions, Answers,Score,Missed;varRemainingQuestions, QuestionAnswered;var startTime;Ny = new Array();NDy = new Array();for (i=0; i <MaxNum; i++)  document.write('<div id= "NumberID"style="position:absolute;top:0px;left:0;height:'+ answerSize +';width:'+ answerSize +';text-align:center;background-color=' + numberBackgroundColor + '"> </B></font></div>');  document.write('<div id= "MouseQuestionID"style="position:absolute;top:0px;left:0;text-align:center;background-color=cornflowerblue"> </B></font></div>');  // document.write('<div id="PointerID" style="position:absolute;top:0px;left:0;height:'+a+';width:'+a+';text-align:center">'+'^'+'</B></font></div>');document.onmousemove=Mouse;window.onload=Startup;document.onmouseclick=MouseClick;//var name = prompt('Enter your name :');var incorrectElement;var incorrectCountdown = 0;ResultsTable.style.top = document.body.clientHeight-100;var restartStr = "Click Restart";restartShowing = false;RestartDiameter=40;speed= 0.5;// 0 < speed < 1 R= restartStr.split(''); Angle= 220/R.length;// Angle increment between lettersstep= 0.2;// Angle increment per delay periodcurrStep= 0;// Initial Angle// Current center of rotation for each letterDy = new Array();Dx = new Array();DY = new Array();DX = new Array();for (i=0; i < R.length; i++){Dy[i] = 0;Dx[i] = 0;DY[i] = 0;DX[i] = 0;}restartSize = 10;for (i=0; i < R.length; i++)document.write('<div id="RestartMsg" style="position:absolute;top:0px;left:0;height:' + restartSize + ';width:' + restartSize + ';text-align:center; font-family: sans-serif;">'+R[i]+'</div>');function ShowHelp(){var prev = LoadPreviousResults( );var msg = 'Click on the number on that is the answer to the\n' +  'displayed maths question.\n' +      '\n';if ( prev != null )  msg += "Previous results : \n" + prev + "\n\n";  var sessions = SessionsCompleted( );if ( sessions > 0 )msg += "Sessions Completed : " + sessions + "\n\n";  msg += 'Copyright (c) 2003 Matthew & Grant Davidson.\n' +  'All Rights Reserved.' var wasShowing = restartShowing;ShowRestartMsg( false );alert( msg );ShowRestartMsg( wasShowing );}function Mouse( evnt ){  ymouse = event.y;  xmouse = event.x;  MouseQuestionID.style.top = ymouse + 5;  MouseQuestionID.style.left = xmouse + 10;}function ShowRestartMsg( showIt ){restartShowing = showIt;var visibility;if ( showIt )visibility = 'visible';elsevisibility = 'hidden';for (i=0; i < R.length; i++)RestartMsg[ i ].style.visibility = visibility;}function MouseClick( evnt ){element = event.srcElement;if ( element.id == "NumberID" ){if ( element.innerText == Answers[CurrentQuestionIndex] ){QuestionAnswered[ CurrentQuestionIndex ] = true;element.style.visibility = 'hidden';Score += 1;ScoreID.innerText = Score;NextQuestion( );} else{Missed += 1;MissID.innerText = Missed;HighlightIncorrectAnswer( element );}}}function NextQuestion( ){if ( RemainingQuestions == 0 ){MouseQuestionID.innerText = '';ShowCompletionMsg();ShowRestartMsg( true );}else{var index = RandomInteger(1,RemainingQuestions);var i = 0;while ( index > 0 ){if ( !QuestionAnswered[i] )  index = index - 1;i = i + 1;}CurrentQuestionIndex = i - 1;Question.innerText = Questions[CurrentQuestionIndex];MouseQuestionID.innerText = Questions[CurrentQuestionIndex];RemainingQuestions = RemainingQuestions - 1;}}function MoveAnswers(){  var maxY = document.body.clientHeight  - ResultsTable.offsetHeight;  var dx = document.body.clientWidth / ( MaxNum + 2 );  ResultsTable.style.top = maxY;    if ( restartShowing )return;  //  PointerID.style.top = maxY - 2 * NumberID[0].style.pixelHeight;//  PointerID.style.left = xmouse;    maxY = maxY - ResultsTable.offsetHeight;    for (i=0; i<MaxNum;i++)  {    Ny[ i ] = Ny[ i ] + NDy[ i ];    if ( Ny[ i ] > maxY )      Ny[ i ] = 0;    NumberID[i].style.top = Ny[ i ];NumberID[i].style.left = (i+1)*dx;  }  }function MaybeResetNumberBackground( force ){  if ( incorrectElement != undefined )  {if ( !force & incorrectCountdown > 0 )incorrectCountdown = incorrectCountdown - 1;else{incorrectElement.style.backgroundColor = numberBackgroundColor;incorrectElement = undefined;}  }} function HighlightIncorrectAnswer( element ){MaybeResetNumberBackground( true );element.style.backgroundColor = 'red';incorrectElement = element;incorrectCountdown = 10;}function MoveRestartMsg(){if ( restartShowing ){Dy[0] = Math.round( DY[0] += ((ymouse)-DY[0])*speed );Dx[0] = Math.round( DX[0] += ((xmouse)-DX[0])*speed );for (i=1; i < R.length; i++){Dy[i] = Math.round( DY[i] += (Dy[i-1]-DY[i])*speed );Dx[i] = Math.round( DX[i] += (Dx[i-1]-DX[i])*speed );}for (i=0; i < R.length; i++){RestartMsg[ i ].style.top  = Dy[i] + RestartDiameter*1.5*Math.sin(currStep+i*Angle*Math.PI/180);RestartMsg[ i ].style.left = Dx[i] + RestartDiameter*1.5*Math.cos(currStep+i*Angle*Math.PI/180);}currStep-=step;}}function Delay(){  MaybeResetNumberBackground( false );  MoveRestartMsg();  MoveAnswers();  if ( RemainingQuestions > 0 )  {var now = new Date();TimeID.innerText = SecondsAsString( Math.floor( (now.valueOf() - startTime.valueOf())/1000 ) );  }  setTimeout('Delay()',100);}function SecondsAsString( seconds ){var minutes = Math.floor( seconds/60 );var secRem = seconds - (minutes*60);var str = minutes + ':';if ( secRem < 10 )  return str + '0' + secRem;return str + secRem;}function CreateQuestionsAndAnswers( Questions, Answers, MaxQuestions ){var i;for (i=0;i<MaxQuestions;i++){operand = OperationID.value;if ( operand == 0 )operand = RandomInteger(1,3);var numberMax = OperatorMax[LevelID.value];// Increase range for addition & subtraction// unless we are on the easy levelif ( operand != 3 & LevelID.value != 0 )numberMax = numberMax * 2;x = RandomInteger(1,numberMax);if ( operand == 2 )y = RandomInteger(1,x);elsey = RandomInteger(1,numberMax);if ( operand == 1 ){z = x + y;operandStr = '+';}else{if ( operand == 2 ){z = x - y;operandStr = '-';}else{z = x * y;operandStr = '*';}}Questions[ i ] = x + operandStr + y + '=';Answers[ i ] = z;}}function RandomInteger( MinValue, MaxValue ){var i;range = MaxValue - MinValue + 1;i = Math.random( ) * range;i = Math.round( i - 0.5 )i = MinValue + i;return i;}function RestartGame( ){Questions = new Array();Answers = new Array();Score = 0;Missed = 0;RemainingQuestions = MaxNum;MaybeResetNumberBackground( true );CreateQuestionsAndAnswers( Questions,Answers, MaxNum );QuestionAnswered = new Array( );for (i=0;i<MaxNum;i++){  QuestionAnswered[ i ] = false;Ny[ i ] = 0;NDy[ i ] = (Math.random( )*0.5+0.5) * (LevelID.value/2 + 1);NumberID[ i ].innerText = Answers[i];NumberID[ i ].style.visibility = 'visible';}ScoreID.innerText = Score;MissID.innerText = Missed;startTime = new Date();NextQuestion( );ShowRestartMsg( false );}function Startup( ){ShowRestartMsg( true );Delay();}function GetLevelDescription( ){switch ( parseInt( LevelID.value ) ){case 0:return "Easy";case 1:return "Medium";case 2:return "Hard";}return "Unknown";}function GetOperationDescription( ){switch ( parseInt( OperationID.value ) ){case 0:return "All";case 1:return "Addition";case 2:return "Subtraction";case 3:return "Multiplication";}return "Unknown";}function ShowCompletionMsg(){var msg = "Congratulations";if ( name != undefined )  msg += " " + name;msg += "!\nAll questions answered in " + TimeID.innerText;if ( Missed == 0 )  msg += " with no incorrect selections!";else{  msg = msg + " with only " + Missed + " incorrect selection";  if ( Missed == 1 )    msg += "!";  else    msg += "s!";}UpdateSessionsCompleted( );var prev = LoadPreviousResults( );if ( prev != null )msg += "\n\nPrevious Results : \n" + prev;var sessions = SessionsCompleted( );if ( sessions > 0 )msg += "\n\nSessions Completed : " + sessions;SaveResult( );alert(msg);}function SessionsCompleted( ){var completed = GetCookie("SessionsCompleted");if ( completed == null )return 0;completed = parseInt( completed );// See if completed == Nan (NB : Nan != Nan == true )if ( completed != completed )return 0;return completed;}function GetExpiry( ) {return new Date(2040,1,1); }function UpdateSessionsCompleted( ){var completed = SessionsCompleted( ) + 1;SetCookie( "SessionsCompleted", completed.toString( ),  GetExpiry( ) );}function LoadPreviousResults( ){ return GetCookie("PrevResults"); }function SaveResult( ){var prev = LoadPreviousResults( );curResult = GetLevelDescription( ) + "-" + GetOperationDescription( ) + " " + TimeID.innerText + " ";if ( Missed == 0 )  curResult += "None incorrect\n";else  curResult += Missed + " incorrect\n";if ( prev != null )   prev = curResult + prev;else   prev = curResult; 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<BODY onclick=MouseClick()><DIV class=Section1 id=TableDiv><P class=MsoNormal style="BACKGROUND-IMAGE:"><TABLE id=ResultsTable style="LEFT: 5px; WIDTH: 100%; FONT-FAMILY: sans-serif; POSITION: absolute; TOP: 486px" height="5%" cellSpacing=1 cellPadding=1 width="100%" bgColor=cornflowerblue>  <TBODY>  <TR>    <TD><INPUT id=HelpID onclick=ShowHelp() type=button size=16 value=? name=HelpBtn></TD>    <TD><SELECT id=OperationID> <OPTION value=1         selected>Addition</OPTION><OPTION value=2>Subtraction</OPTION><OPTION         value=3>Multiplication</OPTION><OPTION value=0>All</OPTION></SELECT>       <SELECT id=LevelID name=select1> <OPTION value=0         selected>Easy</OPTION><OPTION value=1>Medium</OPTION><OPTION         value=2>Hard</OPTION></SELECT> <INPUT id=ResetID style="WIDTH: 67px; HEIGHT: 25px" onclick=RestartGame() type=button size=16 value=Restart name=ResetBtn></TD>    <TD align=right>Question</TD>    <TD id=Question align=left></TD>    <TD align=right>Missed</TD>    <TD id=MissID align=left>0</TD>    <TD align=right>Score</TD>    <TD id=ScoreID align=left>0</TD>    <TD align=right>Time</TD>    <TD id=TimeID align=left>00:00</TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE><SPAN></SPAN></P></DIV></body><!--    This script downloaded from www.JavaScriptBank.com    Come to view and download over 2000+ free javascript at www.JavaScriptBank.com-->