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URL: https://www.javascriptbank.com/ximggallery.html

Trưng bày và trình diễn ảnh © JavaScriptBank.comHiệu ứng tạo một vùng để trưng bày ảnh và nếu người dùng nhấp chọn thì ảnh sẽ chuyển sang chế độ trình diễn.

Phiên bản đầy đủ: jsB@nk » Hình ảnh » Xem ảnh » Trưng bày và trình diễn ảnh
URL: https://www.javascriptbank.com/ximggallery.html

<STYLE type=text/css>#gallery {DISPLAY: none; HEIGHT: 320px}#slideshow {DISPLAY: none}.gcap {PADDING-RIGHT: 0px; PADDING-LEFT: 0px; FONT-SIZE: xx-small; PADDING-BOTTOM: 0px; MARGIN: 3px; PADDING-TOP: 0px}.scap {PADDING-RIGHT: 0px; PADDING-LEFT: 0px; FONT-SIZE: xx-small; PADDING-BOTTOM: 0px; MARGIN: 3px; PADDING-TOP: 0px}.gcon {BORDER-RIGHT: #bf8660 1px solid; BORDER-TOP: #bf8660 1px solid; BACKGROUND: #cfd4e6; FLOAT: left; MARGIN: 10px; BORDER-LEFT: #bf8660 1px solid; WIDTH: 114px; BORDER-BOTTOM: #bf8660 1px solid; HEIGHT: 120px}.scon {BORDER-RIGHT: #bf8660 1px solid; BORDER-TOP: #bf8660 1px solid; BACKGROUND: #cfd4e6; MARGIN: 10px; BORDER-LEFT: #bf8660 1px solid; WIDTH: 480px; BORDER-BOTTOM: #bf8660 1px solid}#gallery IMG {BACKGROUND: #cfd4e6; MARGIN: 6px 6px 3px}#slideshow IMG {BACKGROUND: #cfd4e6; MARGIN: 6px 6px 3px}#navigation {}#prev {FONT-WEIGHT: bold; CURSOR: pointer; COLOR: #bf8660; MARGIN-RIGHT: 20px}#next {FONT-WEIGHT: bold; CURSOR: pointer; COLOR: #bf8660; MARGIN-RIGHT: 20px}#back {FONT-WEIGHT: bold; CURSOR: pointer; COLOR: #bf8660; MARGIN-RIGHT: 20px}#auto {FONT-WEIGHT: bold; CURSOR: pointer; COLOR: #bf8660; MARGIN-RIGHT: 20px}#time {FONT-WEIGHT: bold; CURSOR: pointer; COLOR: #bf8660; MARGIN-RIGHT: 20px}.clearAll {CLEAR: both; PADDING-RIGHT: 0px; PADDING-LEFT: 0px; PADDING-BOTTOM: 0px; MARGIN: 0px; PADDING-TOP: 0px}</STYLE><!--    This script downloaded from www.JavaScriptBank.com    Come to view and download over 2000+ free javascript at www.JavaScriptBank.com-->

<SCRIPT type=text/javascript>window.onload = function(){    if (window.winOnLoad) window.winOnLoad();}window.onunload = function(){    if (window.winOnUnload) window.winOnUnload();}</SCRIPT><SCRIPT type=text/javascript>// Begin User Configurable Variables:var imgsPerPg = 6; // number of img elements in the htmlvar imgsMax = 23;  // total number of imagesvar slideTimeout = 7; // seconds before loading the next slidevar gPath = '';  // gallery files (thumbnails) path, include trailing slashvar gPrefix = '';var gSuffix = '';var gExt = '.gif';var gZeros = true; // filename uses leading zeros?var gDigits = 4    // total digits in filename, including leading zerosvar sPath = ''; // slideshow files (big imgs) path, include trailing slashvar sPrefix = '';var sSuffix = '';var sExt = '.gif';var sZeros = true; // filename uses leading zeros?                     var sDigits = 4    // total digits in filename, including leading zerosvar captions = new Array();// There must be (imgsMax + 1) captions.// captions[0] is currently not used.captions[0] = "not used";captions[1] = "Wind and waves... and Light";captions[2] = "I'm gettin dizzy";captions[3] = "I can see forever...";captions[4] = "All images copyright (C) GoneCoastal";captions[5] = "Gotta work on that tan";captions[6] = "The Gulf in a basket";captions[7] = "Hidden treasures";captions[8] = "Wild at Tyndall";captions[9] = "All images copyright (C) GoneCoastal";captions[10] = "Deep blue";captions[11] = "And a glass of wine...";captions[12] = "Bird's eye view";captions[13] = "Catch a wave";captions[14] = "Ahhh...";captions[15] = "All images copyright (C) GoneCoastal";// End User Configurable Variablesfunction winOnLoad(){  xImgGallery();}/* Development Notes and Script Assumptions:1) Optional URL arguments: g = 'gallery first num', s = 'slideshow img num'.   For example:   img_gallery_2.php?g=21   img_gallery_2.php?s=302) IMG IDs begin with 'g' (for gallery) or 's' (for slideshow)   then are numbered sequentially beginning with 1. No leading zeros.3) Gallery (thumbnail) image pathnames: gPath + gPrefix + seq_num + gSuffix + gExt   SlideShow (large image) pathnames:   sPath + sPrefix + seq_num + sSuffix + sExt   Leading zeros (as part of seq_num) are optional.4) The captions array initializations could be generated server-side.5) This file does not have to be a PHP file - I use it here for my page-template, not for this demo.*//* xImgGallery, Copyright (C) 2004,2005 Michael Foster (Cross-Browser.com)   Distributed under the terms of the GNU LGPL.*/// don't change these:var galMode = true;var autoSlide = false;var slideTimer = null;var slideCounter = 0;var currentSlide = 1;function xImgGallery(){  if (document.getElementById && document.getElementById('navigation').style) {    var n = 1, a = xGetURLArguments();    if (a.length) {      var arg = a['g'] || a['s'];      if (arg) {        n = parseInt(arg, 10);        if (n <= 0 || n > imgsMax) { n = 1; }         if (a['s']) { galMode = false; }      }    }    gal_paint(n);    document.getElementById('time').style.display = 'none';  }}function gal_paint(n){  gal_setImgs(n);  gal_setNav(n);}function gal_setImgs(n){  var ssEle = document.getElementById('slideshow');  var galEle = document.getElementById('gallery');  var i, imgTitle, pth, img, id, src, ipp, idPrefix, imgSuffix, imgPrefix;  var zeros, digits, capEle, capPar;  if (galMode) {    ipp = imgsPerPg;    idPrefix = 'g';    imgPrefix = gPrefix;    imgSuffix = gSuffix + gExt;    imgTitle = 'Click to view large image';    ssEle.style.display = 'none';    galEle.style.display = 'block';    pth = gPath;    zeros = gZeros;    digits = gDigits;  }  else {    currentSlide = n;    ipp = 1;    idPrefix = 's';    imgPrefix = sPrefix;    imgSuffix = sSuffix + sExt;    imgTitle = '';    ssEle.style.display = 'block';    galEle.style.display = 'none';    pth = sPath;    zeros = sZeros;    digits = sDigits;  }  for (i = 0; i < ipp; ++i) {    id = idPrefix + (i + 1);    img = document.getElementById(id);    capEle = document.getElementById((galMode ? 'gc':'sc') + (i + 1));    if (capEle) capPar = capEle.parentNode;    if ((n + i) <= imgsMax) {      if (zeros) src = xPad(n + i, digits, '0', true);      else src = (n + i) + "";      img.title = imgTitle;      img.alt = src;      img.src = pth + imgPrefix + src + imgSuffix; // img to load now      img.onerror = imgOnError;      if (galMode) {        img.style.cursor = 'pointer';        img.slideNum = n + i; // slide img to load onclick        img.onclick = imgOnClick;      }      if (capEle) {        capEle.innerHTML = captions[i + n];        if (capPar) capPar.style.display = 'block';      }      img.style.display = 'inline';    }    else {      img.style.display = 'none';      if (capEle) {        if (capPar) capPar.style.display = 'none';      }    }  }  }function imgOnClick(){  galMode = false;  gal_paint(this.slideNum);}function imgOnError(){  var p = this.parentNode;  if (p) p.style.display = 'none';}function gal_setNav(n){  var ipp = galMode ? imgsPerPg : 1;  // Next  var e = document.getElementById('next');  if (n + ipp <= imgsMax) {    e.nextNum = n + ipp;    e.onclick = next_onClick;    e.style.display = 'inline';  }  else {    e.nextNum = 1;  }  // Previous  e = document.getElementById('prev');  e.style.display = 'inline';  e.onclick = prev_onClick;  if (n > ipp) {    e.prevNum = n - ipp;  }  else {    e.prevNum = galMode ? normalize(imgsMax) : imgsMax;  }  // Back  e = document.getElementById('back');  if (!galMode) {    e.onclick = back_onClick;    e.style.display = 'inline';    e.backNum = normalize(n);  }  else {    e.style.display = 'none';  }  // Auto Slide  e = document.getElementById('auto');  if (!galMode) {    e.onclick = auto_onClick;    e.style.display = 'inline';  }  else {    e.style.display = 'none';  }}function normalize(n){  return 1 + imgsPerPg * (Math.ceil(n / imgsPerPg) - 1);}function next_onClick(e){  gal_paint(this.nextNum);}function prev_onClick(e){  gal_paint(this.prevNum);}function back_onClick(e){  galMode = true;  if (slideTimer) {    clearTimeout(slideTimer);  }  autoSlide = false;  gal_paint(this.backNum);  document.getElementById('time').style.display = 'none';}function auto_onClick(e){  var ele = document.getElementById('time');  autoSlide = !autoSlide;  if (autoSlide) {    slideCounter = 0;    slideTimer = setTimeout("slide_OnTimeout()", slideTimeout);    ele.style.display = 'inline';  }  else if (slideTimer) {    clearTimeout(slideTimer);    ele.style.display = 'none';  }}function slide_OnTimeout(){  slideTimer = setTimeout("slide_OnTimeout()", 1000);  ++slideCounter;  document.getElementById('time').innerHTML = slideCounter + '/' + slideTimeout;  if (slideCounter == slideTimeout) {    if (++currentSlide > imgsMax) currentSlide = 1;     gal_paint(currentSlide);    slideCounter = 0;  }}/* xGetURLArguments and xPad are part of the X library,   distributed under the terms of the GNU LGPL,   and maintained at Cross-Browser.com.*/function xGetURLArguments(){  var idx = location.href.indexOf('?');  var params = new Array();  if (idx != -1) {    var pairs = location.href.substring(idx+1, location.href.length).split('&');    for (var i=0; i<pairs.length; i++) {      nameVal = pairs[i].split('=');      params[i] = nameVal[1];      params[nameVal[0]] = nameVal[1];    }  }  return params;}function xPad(str, finalLen, padChar, left){  if (typeof str != 'string') str = str + '';  if (left) { for (var i=str.length; i<finalLen; ++i) str = padChar + str; }  else { for (var i=str.length; i<finalLen; ++i) str += padChar; }  return str;}</SCRIPT><!--    This script downloaded from www.JavaScriptBank.com    Come to view and download over 2000+ free javascript at www.JavaScriptBank.com-->

<DIV id=demo1><DIV id=gallery><DIV><DIV class=gcon><IMG id=g1 src="alien.gif"><DIV class=gcap id=gc1>&nbsp;</DIV></DIV><DIV class=gcon><IMG id=g2 src="bong.gif"><DIV class=gcap id=gc2>&nbsp;</DIV></DIV><DIV class=gcon><IMG id=g3 src="bongbong.gif"><DIV class=gcap id=gc3>&nbsp;</DIV></DIV><DIV class=clearAll>&nbsp;</DIV></DIV><DIV><DIV class=gcon><IMG id=g4 src="butterfly2.gif"><DIV class=gcap id=gc4>&nbsp;</DIV></DIV><DIV class=gcon><IMG id=g5 src="eye.gif"><DIV class=gcap id=gc5>&nbsp;</DIV></DIV><DIV class=gcon><IMG id=g6 src="ghost0.gif"><DIV class=gcap id=gc6>&nbsp;</DIV></DIV><DIV class=clearAll>&nbsp;</DIV></DIV></DIV><DIV id=slideshow><DIV class=scon><IMG id=s1 src="ghost1.gif"><DIV class=scap id=sc1>&nbsp;</DIV></DIV></DIV><DIV id=navigation><SPAN id=prev>« Previous</SPAN> <SPAN id=next>Next »</SPAN> <P><SPAN id=back>Back to the Gallery</SPAN></P><P><SPAN id=auto title="Toggle Auto-Slide">Auto-Slide</SPAN> <SPAN id=time>&nbsp;</SPAN></P></DIV></DIV><!--    This script downloaded from www.JavaScriptBank.com    Come to view and download over 2000+ free javascript at www.JavaScriptBank.com-->