Property Values - an explanation of their use and meaning:

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All properties are composed of the property name followed by a colon and a value that is quoted if it is a literal or unquoted if it is a pure number or true/false value.  All property values are followed by a comma except for the last one for a given menu (usually the links/headings array).  All properties have the default values shown and are therefore optional, unless described as REQUIRED.

id:"menu1",  // A unique id is REQUIRED for each menu
wrapbar:false,  // For left and right menus only, will wrap the 'draw' bar around the bottom of the menu if true
menutop:150,  // For left and right menus only, the initial distance from the top of the page
keepinview:30,  // For left and right menus and only with kviewtype:'absolute' - distance from top after page has scrolled beyond menutop

menuleft:"50%",  // For top menu only, initial left position.  May be an unquoted number referring to pixels or a quoted percentage value.ex: menuleft:400, - for pixels, no units or quotes used  or menuleft:'45%' - quotes and percent sign for % value

menuspeed:20,  // Speed of menu sliding, smaller is faster (interval of milliseconds)
menupause:500,  // How long menu stays extended when mouse is not over it (in milliseconds)
d_colspan:2,  // Number of columns to make available in the menu body
allowtransparent:false,  // Ordinarily, the table's bgcolor is the border color, use true here to make it transparent

barwidth:22,  // Width of 'draw' bar (this will be its height for the top menu The below hdingwidth plus (for left and right menus) the above barwidth and (2+d_colspan) times the borderwidth will be used for the table's width.

hdingwidth:149,  // This will be the menu body width as well as any single column headings.
hdingheight:22,  // Heading height
hdingindent:1,  // Text indent for headings
linkheight:16,  // This will be the height for linked cells

outbrdwidth:0,  // If an outer border (for the containing division) is desired, this will be its width. A single unquoted pixel value without units or quoted top right bottom left values may be used, ex: outbrdwidth:5, or outbrdwidth:'5px', or outbrdwidth:'2px 3px 2px 5px',

outbrdcolor:"none",  // Outer border color
outbrdstyle:"none",  // Outer border style ('solid', 'dashed', 'outset', etc.)
borderwidth:1,  // Border width used inside menus and for menu table (unquoted number without units referring to pixels)
bordercolor:"black",  // Border color used inside menus and for menu table
borderstyle:"solid",  // Border style used inside menus and for menu table
barcolor:"white",  // Text color for 'draw' bar
barbgcolor:"#444444",  // Background color for 'draw' bar
barfontweight:"bold",  // Bar font weight
baralign:"center",  // Bar text align
menufont:"verdana",  // Font for menu, use any you like, defaults to sans-serif if not supported
fontsize:"80%",  // Font size, use quoted percent value
hdingcolor:"white",  // Headings - text color
hdingbgcolor:"#170088",  // Headings - background color
hdingfontweight:"bold",  // Headings - font weight
hdingvalign:"middle",  // Headings - vertical align
hdingtxtalign:"left",  // Headings - text align
linktopad:0,  // Top padding for links, use quoted em values (@8px each) or 0
linktxtalign:"left",  // Links text align
linktarget:"",  // Default link target
menupos:"left",  // Menu position - left, top, or right
bartext:"SIDE MENU",  // Text for 'draw' bar.  Quoted <img> tag may be used, ex: bartext:'<img src="my_bar.gif">',
user_defined_stylesheet:false,  // Set to true if you wish to override the script's stylesheet
user_defined_markup:false,  // Set to true if you wish to override the script's markup
design_mode:false,  // Set to true to see the generated styles and markup

kviewtype:'absolute',  // The method used to keep menu visible when page is scrolled - 'fixed' or 'absolute'. Fixed will not appear to move at all while 'absolute' will follow scrolling in a fluid motion: defaults to 'absolute' (floating) unless menu is top menu. 'fixed' is overridden in browsers that do not support it.

menuItems:[] // An array of menu items is REQUIRED for each menu, ex:
menuItems:[ // REQUIRED!!
//[name, link, target, colspan, endrow?] - leave 'link' and 'target' blank to make a header
["Menu"], //create header
["Dynamic Drive", "", ""],
["What's New", "",""],
["What's Hot", "", ""],
["Message Forum", "", ""],
["Submit Script", "", ""],
["Link to Us", "", ""],

["FAQ", "", "", 1, "no"], //create two column row, requires d_colspan:2 (the default)
["Email", "", "",1],

["External Links", "", ""], //create header
["JavaScript Kit", "", "_new"],
["Freewarejava", "", "_new"],
["Coding Forums", "", "_new"]  //no comma after last entry