
Print - Pacman - JavaScriptBank.com

Full version: jsB@nk » Pointer » Trailer » Pacman
URL: https://www.javascriptbank.com/pacman-index.html

Pacman © JavaScriptBank.comA simulator effect with Pacman game.

Full version: jsB@nk » Pointer » Trailer » Pacman
URL: https://www.javascriptbank.com/pacman-index.html

<SCRIPT LANGUAGE = "Javascript1.2" >ammount = 10;times = 1;wait = 0;done = false;x = new Array();y = new Array();temp = 0;waitUntil = 10;pillSrc = "Pill.gif";pacCESrc = "PacCE.gif";pacOESrc = "PacOE.gif";pacCWSrc = "PacCW.gif";pacOWSrc = "PacOW.gif";for (i = 1; i <= ammount; i++)  document.write('<DIV ID = "pill' + i + '" STYLE = "visibility: hidden; position: absolute"><IMG NAME = "pic' + i + '" SRC = "' + pillSrc + '"></DIV>');pillW = document.pic1.width;pillH = document.pic1.height;document.write('<DIV ID = "pacCE" STYLE = "visibility: hidden; position: absolute"><IMG NAME = "pac1E" SRC = "' + pacCESrc + '"></DIV>');document.write('<DIV ID = "pacOE" STYLE = "visibility: hidden; position: absolute"><IMG NAME = "pac2E" SRC = "' + pacOESrc + '"></DIV>');document.write('<DIV ID = "pacCW" STYLE = "visibility: hidden; position: absolute"><IMG NAME = "pac1W" SRC = "' + pacCWSrc + '"></DIV>');document.write('<DIV ID = "pacOW" STYLE = "visibility: hidden; position: absolute"><IMG NAME = "pac2W" SRC = "' + pacOWSrc + '"></DIV>');showPacC = document.getElementById("pacCE").style;showPacO = document.getElementById("pacOE").style;pacCWidth = document.pac1E.width;pacCHeight = document.pac1E.height;pacOWidth = document.pac2E.width;pacOHeight = document.pac2E.height;function pacPicC(){  temp = place + 1;  if (temp > ammount)    temp = 1;  if (x[temp] >= x[place])  {    showPacC = document.getElementById("pacCE").style;    xOff = 10;  }  else  {    showPacC = document.getElementById("pacCW").style;    xOff = 23;  }}function pacPicO(){  temp = place + 1;  if (temp > ammount)    temp = 1;  if (x[temp] >= x[place])  {    showPacO = document.getElementById("pacOE").style;    xOff = 10;  }  else  {    showPacO = document.getElementById("pacOW").style;    xOff = 23;  }}function update(e){  wait++;  if (wait == waitUntil)  {    if (times > ammount)    {      done = true;      times = 1;    }    showPill = document.getElementById("pill" + times + "").style;    x[times] = event.x + document.body.scrollLeft - (pillW / 2);    showPill.left = x[times];    y[times] = event.y + document.body.scrollTop - (pillH / 2);    showPill.top = y[times];    showPill.visibility = "visible";    if (done)    {      showPacC.visibility = "hidden";      place = times + 1;      if (place > ammount)        place = 1;      pacPicO();      showPacO.left = x[place] - pacOWidth + xOff;      showPacO.top = y[place] - (pacOHeight / 2) + 3;      showPacO.visibility = "visible";    }      times++;    wait = 0;  }  else if (wait == waitUntil / 2 && done)  {    showPacO.visibility = "hidden";    if (place > ammount)      place = 1;    pacPicC();    showPacC.left = x[place] - pacCWidth + xOff;    showPacC.top = y[place] - (pacCHeight / 2) + 3;    showPacC.visibility = "visible";  }} </SCRIPT><!--    This script downloaded from www.JavaScriptBank.com    Come to view and download over 2000+ free javascript at www.JavaScriptBank.com-->
