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Phiên bản đầy đủ: jsB@nk » Con trỏ » Di chuyển theo chuột » Swirling
URL: https://www.javascriptbank.com/swirling-cursor-trail-index.html

Swirling © JavaScriptBank.comHiệu ứng tạo ra các quả bóng di chuyển quanh con trỏ chuột theo cùng một quĩ đạo tròn.

Phiên bản đầy đủ: jsB@nk » Con trỏ » Di chuyển theo chuột » Swirling
URL: https://www.javascriptbank.com/swirling-cursor-trail-index.html

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<script LANGUAGE="JavaScript">window.onerror=null;netscape = (document.layers) ? 1:0;goodIE = (document.all) ? 1:0;document.onmousemove=MoveHandler;var gotthere = 0;var count = 0;var ietopcorner=''var ieleftcorner=''    toplocation = new Array( 0,30,57,80,101,125,80,80,101,125,80,0 );temptoplocation = new Array( 50,100,100,150,150,200,200,100,150,150,200,200,0 );    leftlocation = new Array( 0,292,318,181,181,217,263,318,181,181,217,263,-96 );templeftlocation = new Array( 0,0,260,390,420,550,680,390,420,550,680,0 );difftop = new Array( 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 );diffleft = new Array( 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 );questtop = -13;questleft2 = -96;if (netscape) {   document.body=new Object()   document.body.scrollTop=''   document.body.scrollLeft=''   window.captureEvents(Event.MOUSEMOVE);   window.onMouseMove = MoveHandler;    var layerstart = "document.";   var layerleft = ".left";   var layertop = ".top";   var layerstyle = "";   var windowWidth = window.innerWidth;   var windowHeight = window.innerHeight;  }else if (goodIE) {   ietopcorner=document.body.scrollTop   ieleftcorner=document.body.scrollLeft   layerstart = "document.all.";   layerleft = ".left";   layertop = ".top";   layerstyle = ".style";   windowWidth=600;   windowHeight=400; }// end error trapping   var Ypos2 = 72;   var Xpos2 = 72;function MoveHandler(e) {if (netscape || goodIE) {  Xpos2 = (netscape)?e.pageX:event.x  Ypos2 = (netscape)?e.pageY:event.yXorigin = Xpos2;Yorigin = Ypos2; if (Ypos2 > windowHeight/2) {if (Xpos2 > windowWidth/2) { direction = 1;} else { direction = -1;} }else {if (Xpos2 > windowWidth/2) { direction = -1;} else { direction = 1;} }}}function startthedots() {if (goodIE) {windowWidth=document.body.clientWidth;windowHeight=document.body.clientHeight; }Xorigin = 204;Yorigin = 147; spin();run(); }var OrbitSize = 200;count=1; delay=100; direction = -1;Count = new Array ( 0, .63, 1.26, 1.89, 2.52, 3.15, 3.78, 4.41, 5.04, 5.67 );Xpoint = new Array ( 0, .63, 1.26, 1.89, 2.52, 3.15, 3.78, 4.41, 5.04, 5.67 );Ypoint = new Array ( 0, .63, 1.26, 1.89, 2.52, 3.15, 3.78, 4.41, 5.04, 5.67 );var speed = -0.06;var offset = 1;  function spin() {for ( j = 0 ; j <= 9 ; j++ ) {Count[j] = Count[j] + (speed*direction);Xpoint[j] = Xorigin + ((OrbitSize*Math.sin(Count[j])*offset));Ypoint[j] = Yorigin + (OrbitSize*Math.cos(Count[j])); }setTimeout('spin()',3); }function run() {   count++;   for ( j = 0 ; j <= 9 ; j++ ) {difftop[j]  = Ypoint[j] -  temptoplocation[j];diffleft[j] = Xpoint[j] - templeftlocation[j];diff = 30;temptoplocation[j] = temptoplocation[j] + difftop[j]/diff;templeftlocation[j] = templeftlocation[j] + diffleft[j]/diff;  eval(layerstart+"a"+j+layerstyle+layerleft+" = document.body.scrollLeft+templeftlocation["+j+"]");  eval(layerstart+"a"+j+layerstyle+layertop+" = document.body.scrollTop+temptoplocation["+j+"]"); }setTimeout('run()', 25) }badIE = 0;browserName = navigator.appName.substring(0,8);browserVer = parseFloat(navigator.appVersion);macintosh = navigator.userAgent.indexOf("Mac");if (browserName == "Microsof") { if (macintosh != -1) { badIE = 1; }if (browserVer < 4) { badIE = 1; } }</script><!--    This script downloaded from www.JavaScriptBank.com    Come to view and download over 2000+ free javascript at www.JavaScriptBank.com-->

<body onLoad="startthedots()"><div ID="a0" align="center"><img src="swirl.gif" height="9" width="9"></div><div ID="a1" align="center"><img src="swirl.gif" height="9" width="9"></div><div ID="a2" align="center"><img src="swirl.gif" height="9" width="9"></div><div ID="a3" align="center"><img src="swirl.gif" height="9" width="9"></div><div ID="a4" align="center"><img src="swirl.gif" height="9" width="9"></div><div ID="a5" align="center"><img src="swirl.gif" height="9" width="9"></div><div ID="a6" align="center"><img src="swirl.gif" height="9" width="9"></div><div ID="a7" align="center"><img src="swirl.gif" height="9" width="9"></div><div ID="a8" align="center"><img src="swirl.gif" height="9" width="9"></div><div ID="a9" align="center"><img src="swirl.gif" height="9" width="9"></div></body><!--    This script downloaded from www.JavaScriptBank.com    Come to view and download over 2000+ free javascript at www.JavaScriptBank.com-->
