Version compl�te: jsB@nk » Multimédia » Evénements » Document de feux d'artifice II
Saupoudrer de votre page web avec des feux d'artifice de couleurs, avec cette décoration DHTML script ! Cette version se distingue de l'original dans la manière dont les feux d'artifice est rendu. Quelle que celui que vous choisissez d'adopter, la fin est tout simplement effet de la dynamite!
Version compl�te: jsB@nk » Multimédia » Evénements » Document de feux d'artifice II
<script>if ((document.getElementById) && window.addEventListener || window.attachEvent){(function(){var showerCol = new Array('#000000','#ff0000','#000000','#00ff00','#ff00ff','#ffffff','#ffa500','#000000','#fff000');var launchCol = new Array('#ffa500','#00ff00','#ffaaff','#fff000','#ffffff');var launchColour = "#00ff00";var rs = 30; var y = 200;var x = 200;var h;var w;var xs = 190;var t = null;var ss = 1;var e = 360/14;var f = new Array();var c1 = -1;var c2 = 5;var r;var pix = "px";var strictmod = ((document.compatMode) && document.compatMode.indexOf("CSS") != -1);var o;var domWw = (typeof window.innerWidth == "number");var domSy = (typeof window.pageYOffset == "number");var n = 14;var idx = 1;for (i = 0; i < n; i++){ if ( document.getElementById(idx+i) ){ idx = (idx+=(n)); }}for (i = 0; i < n; i++){document.write('<div id='+(idx+i)+' style="position:absolute;top:0px;left:0px;'+'height:1px;width:1px;font-size:1px;background-color:'+launchColour+'"><\/div>');}if (domWw) r = window;else{ if (document.documentElement && typeof document.documentElement.clientWidth == "number" && document.documentElement.clientWidth != 0) r = document.documentElement; 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f[i].backgroundColor = showerCol[Math.floor(Math.random()*showerCol.length)]; f[i].width = ss + pix; f[i].height = ss + pix; f[i].fontSize = ss + pix; }}if (c1 > 160){ clearTimeout(t); rst();}}function init(){wndwsz();for (i = 0; i < n; i++){f[i] = document.getElementById(idx+i).style;}var strt = Math.floor(500+Math.random()*2000);setTimeout(dsply,strt);}if (window.addEventListener){ window.addEventListener("resize",wndwsz,false); window.addEventListener("load",init,false);} else if (window.attachEvent){ window.attachEvent("onresize",wndwsz); window.attachEvent("onload",init);} })();}//End.</script><script>if ((document.getElementById) && window.addEventListener || window.attachEvent){(function(){var showerCol = new Array('#000000','#ff0000','#000000','#00ff00','#ff00ff','#ffffff','#ffa500','#000000','#fff000');var launchCol = new Array('#ffa500','#00ff00','#ffaaff','#fff000','#ffffff');var launchColour = "#00ff00";var rs = 30; var y = 200;var x = 200;var h;var w;var xs = 190;var t = null;var ss = 1;var e = 360/14;var f = new Array();var c1 = -1;var c2 = 5;var r;var pix = "px";var strictmod = ((document.compatMode) && document.compatMode.indexOf("CSS") != -1);var o;var domWw = (typeof window.innerWidth == "number");var domSy = (typeof window.pageYOffset == "number");var n = 14;var idx = 1;for (i = 0; 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i < n; i++){ f[i].backgroundColor = launchColour; f[i].width = ss + pix; f[i].height = ss + pix; f[i].fontSize = ss + pix;}dsply();}function dsply(){c1 += c2;t = setTimeout(dsply,rs);for (i =0; i < n; i++){f[i].top = y + xs * Math.sin(i*e*Math.PI/180) * Math.sin(c1/100) + pix;f[i].left= x + xs * Math.cos(i*e*Math.PI/180) * Math.sin(c1/100) + pix; if (c1 > 100){ ss = (xs < 150)?1:Math.round(1+Math.random()*2); f[i].backgroundColor = showerCol[Math.floor(Math.random()*showerCol.length)]; f[i].width = ss + pix; f[i].height = ss + pix; f[i].fontSize = ss + pix; }}if (c1 > 160){ clearTimeout(t); rst();}}function init(){wndwsz();for (i = 0; i < n; i++){f[i] = document.getElementById(idx+i).style;}var strt = Math.floor(500+Math.random()*2000);setTimeout(dsply,strt);}if (window.addEventListener){ window.addEventListener("resize",wndwsz,false); window.addEventListener("load",init,false);} else if (window.attachEvent){ window.attachEvent("onresize",wndwsz); window.attachEvent("onload",init);} })();}//End.</script><script>if ((document.getElementById) && window.addEventListener || window.attachEvent){(function(){var showerCol = new Array('#000000','#ff0000','#000000','#00ff00','#ff00ff','#ffffff','#ffa500','#000000','#fff000');var launchCol = new Array('#ffa500','#00ff00','#ffaaff','#fff000','#ffffff');var launchColour = "#00ff00";var rs = 30; var y = 200;var x = 200;var h;var w;var xs = 190;var t = null;var ss = 1;var e = 360/14;var f = new Array();var c1 = -1;var c2 = 5;var r;var pix = "px";var strictmod = ((document.compatMode) && document.compatMode.indexOf("CSS") != -1);var o;var domWw = (typeof window.innerWidth == "number");var domSy = (typeof window.pageYOffset == "number");var n = 14;var idx = 1;for (i = 0; i < n; i++){ if ( document.getElementById(idx+i) ){ idx = (idx+=(n)); }}for (i = 0; i < n; i++){document.write('<div id='+(idx+i)+' style="position:absolute;top:0px;left:0px;'+'height:1px;width:1px;font-size:1px;background-color:'+launchColour+'"><\/div>');}if (domWw) r = window;else{ if (document.documentElement && typeof document.documentElement.clientWidth == "number" && document.documentElement.clientWidth != 0) r = document.documentElement; else{ if (document.body && typeof document.body.clientWidth == "number") r = document.body; }}function scrl(yx){var y,x;if (domSy){ y = r.pageYOffset; x = r.pageXOffset; 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f[i].fontSize = ss + pix; }}if (c1 > 160){ clearTimeout(t); rst();}}function init(){wndwsz();for (i = 0; i < n; i++){f[i] = document.getElementById(idx+i).style;}var strt = Math.floor(500+Math.random()*2000);setTimeout(dsply,strt);}if (window.addEventListener){ window.addEventListener("resize",wndwsz,false); window.addEventListener("load",init,false);} else if (window.attachEvent){ window.attachEvent("onresize",wndwsz); window.attachEvent("onload",init);} })();}//End.</script><!-- This script downloaded from Come to view and download over 2000+ free javascript at>