Much information on the subject and many more links are available from the above sites.
This 3-column layout with a fluid center column is one of a collection of CSS table-less layouts.
The style sheet is imported to protect non-capable browsers. Scroller content is displayed in the normal flow for those browsers.
Netscape 6+ and Mozilla do not require the bug fix that relative positioning the scroller in tables necessitates (i.e., the problem of growing and shrinking table cells that accompanies layer movement when overflowing layers are positioned inside tables).
The new code is lean and efficient. Its time-based motion is smoother in most browsers.
Its speed is generally more consistent across different browsers and platforms.
Adjustable scroll speed and pause duration.
Accessibility: content in document, not generated.
Supports any number and type of items: plain text, images, lists, etc.
Format using style sheets.
Pause on mouseover, resume on mouseout.
Position absolute or inline.
Multiple scroller support.
Horizontal or vertical scrolling.
The new code is lean and efficient. Its time-based motion is smoother in most browsers.
Its speed is generally more consistent across different browsers and platforms.
Older browsers excluded!
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