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Phiên bản đầy đủ: jsB@nk » Scrollers » Theo chiều đứng » Một hiệu ứng cuộn đầy uy lực với JavaScript OOP
URL: https://www.javascriptbank.com/powerful-javascript-oop-html-scroller.html

Một hiệu ứng cuộn đầy uy lực với JavaScript OOP © JavaScriptBank.comUy lực mà jsB@nk muốn nói đến ở đây là mã nguồn JavaScript của hiệu ứng này được xây dựng với kĩ thuật hướng đối tượng rất công phu cùng với tài liệu sử dụng/chỉnh sửa rất chi tiết. Bạn có thể tạo nhiều đối tượng cuộn trên trang web như mong muốn cùng với không hạn chế phần tử trong mỗi đối tượng cuộn.Chưa hết, bạn còn có thể dễ dàng khai báo tốc độ cuộn, vị trí cuộn, khoảng cách, thời gian, ... cho mỗi đối tượng cuộn trong hiệu ứng này.

Phiên bản đầy đủ: jsB@nk » Scrollers » Theo chiều đứng » Một hiệu ứng cuộn đầy uy lực với JavaScript OOP
URL: https://www.javascriptbank.com/powerful-javascript-oop-html-scroller.html

<style type="text/css"> #scr1 div {  visibility:hidden; } #scr1, #scr1 div.default {   width:160px;   height:120px;   overflow:hidden;   visibility:visible; } #scr1 table tr td div {  visibility:visible; } #scr1 {   background-color:#fff;   margin:0px auto;   font-size: .8em; }</style>

<script type="text/javascript">// Created by: Brian Huisman | http://www.greywyvern.com/// This script downloaded from www.JavaScriptBank.com/* ********************************************************************* HTML Block Scroller & Marquee JavaScript - v2.0*  - Copyright 2008 - Licenced for free distribution under the BSDL*  -     http://www.opensource.org/licenses/bsd-license.php** Have one or more scrolling blocks of HTML anywhere on your webpages.* The scroller will even pause on mouseover and resume on mouseout.** Version 2.0*   - Uses DOM-only methods (compatible with application/xhtml+xml)*   - Blocks are created in the HTML page, rather than as JS variables*   - Automatic startup on page load************************************************************************** Instructions ****************************************************************************************************************************** 1. Create the container for the scroller in the body of your HTML:** <div id="scr1"></div>** Where "scr1" is any name you choose.  You don't have to use a <div>* either.  You may use any block level element that can be pixel* resized; such as a <span> element to which the display:block; CSS* property has been applied.************************************************************************* 2. Fill the scroller container with child <div> blocks:** <div id="scr1">*   <div class="default">*     The contents of this block will be displayed if the browser does*     not support the scroller.*     It will be overwritten if the scroller is supported.*   </div>*   <div>Block 2</div>*   <div>Block 3</div>**   ...** </div>** Assign the class "default" to the first block, the one which you* would like displayed if javascript is disabled.************************************************************************* 3. Add the following rule(s) to your CSS stylesheet:** #scr1 div {*  visibility:hidden;* }* #scr1, #scr1 div.default {*   width:160px;*   height:120px;*   overflow:hidden;*   visibility:visible;* }* #scr1 table tr td div {*  visibility:visible;* }** Change both "scr1" to the id you gave to the scroller container.  The* width and height properties should match those you will use in step 4.** To further style the scroller container, assign CSS properties to the* scroller target id:** #scr1 {*   background-color:#f6f6f6;*   margin:0px auto;* }** The script will replace each block you add to the container with a* single-celled <table>. So to style the blocks of your scroller, you* can style these table cells as if they were actually part of your* document source:** #scr1 table tr td {*   padding:10px;*   color:#ff0000;*   text-align:center;*   vertical-align:middle;* }************************************************************************* 4. Create a new scrollObject:** new scrollObject("scr1", 120, 120, "up", 5000, 1.4);** The arguments for this object are as follows:*  a. - ID of the target tag (from step 1)*  b. - Width (in pixels) of your scroller*  c. - Height (in pixels) of your scroller*  d. - Scroll direction: one of "up", "down", "left" or "right"*  e. - Amount of time to pause before next scroll begins (ms)*  f. - Slide-in speed of your scroller (1.001 up to width or height)*************************************************************************** To add more scrollers to the same page: *************************************************************************************************** 1. Create additional containers - with different ID's - and blocks in*    the body of your HTML** <div id="scr2">*   <div class="default"><strong>HTML is allowed too!</strong></div>*   <div><img src="/images/mybanner.jpg" alt=""></div>*   <div><a href="/home">And links!</a></div>*   <div>As long as it fits within the dimensions above</div>* </div>** <div id="scr3">*   <div class="default">Block 1</div>*   <div>Block 2</div>*   <div>Block 3</div>*   <div>Block 4</div>* </div>************************************************************************* 2. Add the matching rules to your CSS stylesheet** #scr2 div,* #scr3 div {*  visibility:hidden;* }* #scr2, #scr2 div.default {*   width:468px;*   height:60px;*   overflow:hidden;*   visibility:visible;* }* #scr3, #scr3 div.default {*   width:140px;*   height:140px;*   overflow:hidden;*   visibility:visible;* }* #scr2 table tr td div,* #scr3 table tr td div {*  visibility:visible;* }************************************************************************* 3. Create new scrollObjects for each scroller in the <script> tag:** new scrollObject("scr2", 468, 60, "down", 10000, 1.2);* new scrollObject("scr3", 140, 140, "right", 4000, 2);*************************************************************************** End Instructions ***************************************************************************************************** BEGIN CODE ***** *//* ***** * See http://www.greywyvern.com/code/js/scroller.html for the page * which uses the example scrollers below * */// ***** Start scroller #1new scrollObject("scr1", 160, 120, "up", 5000, 1.15);// ***** Start scroller #2new scrollObject("scr2", 468, 60, "left", 3000, 1.5);/* ******************************************************************** * The Mighty ScrollObject *   - Don't edit this if you know what's good for ya! * */function scrollObject(main, width, height, direct, pause, speed) {  var self = this;  this.main = main;  this.width = width;  this.height = height;  this.direct = direct;  this.pause = pause;  this.speed = Math.max(1.001, Math.min((direct == "up" || direct == "down") ? height : width, speed));  this.slope = (direct == "up" || direct == "left") ? 1 : -1;  this.prev = this.offset = 0;  this.curr = 1;  this.mouse = false;  this.scroll = function() {    this.main = document.getElementById(this.main);    this.main.style.overflow = "hidden";    this.main.style.position = "relative";    this.main.style.width = this.width + "px";    this.main.style.height = this.height + "px";    var b = [], c;    while (this.main.firstChild) if ((c = this.main.removeChild(this.main.firstChild)).nodeName == "DIV") b.push(c);    for (var x = 0; x < b.length; x++) {      var table = document.createElement('table');          table.cellPadding = table.cellSpacing = table.border = "0";          table.style.position = "absolute";          table.style.left = table.style.top = "0px";          table.style.width = table.style.height = "100%";          table.style.overflow = table.style.visibility = "hidden";        var tbody = document.createElement('tbody');          var tr = document.createElement('tr');            var td = document.createElement('td');              while (b[x].firstChild)                  td.appendChild(b[x].removeChild(b[x].firstChild));              tr.appendChild(td);            tbody.appendChild(tr);          table.appendChild(tbody);      this.main.appendChild(table);    } b = c = null;    if (this.main.childNodes.length > 1) {      this.main.onmouseover = function() { self.mouse = true; };      this.main.onmouseout = function() { self.mouse = false; };      setInterval(function() {        if (!self.offset && self.scrollLoop()) self.main.childNodes[self.curr].style.visibility = "visible";      }, this.pause);    } this.main.childNodes[this.prev].style.visibility = "visible";  };  this.scrollLoop = function() {    if (!this.offset) {      if (this.mouse) return false;      this.offset = (this.direct == "up" || this.direct == "down") ? this.height : this.width;    } else this.offset = Math.floor(this.offset / this.speed);    if (this.direct == "up" || this.direct == "down") {      this.main.childNodes[this.curr].style.top = (this.offset * this.slope) + "px";      this.main.childNodes[this.prev].style.top = ((this.offset - this.height) * this.slope) + "px";    } else {      this.main.childNodes[this.curr].style.left = (this.offset * this.slope) + "px";      this.main.childNodes[this.prev].style.left = ((this.offset - this.width) * this.slope) + "px";    }    if (!this.offset) {      this.main.childNodes[this.prev].style.visibility = "hidden";      this.prev = this.curr;      if (++this.curr >= this.main.childNodes.length) this.curr = 0;    } else setTimeout(function() { self.scrollLoop(); }, 30);    return true;  };  if (window.addEventListener) {    window.addEventListener('load', function() { self.scroll(); }, false);   } else if (window.attachEvent)    window.attachEvent('onload', function() { self.scroll(); });}</script>

<div id="scr1"><div class="default"><i>The JavaScript Bank</i> is an excellent JavaScript resource.</div><div><b>Want some recognition for your scripts?</b><br><a href="http://javascriptbank.com/submit/">Submit them to us</a> and they can be featured on JavaScript Source!</div><div>Three times a week we add a new script or tutorial to our archives.</div></div>