added on
... goodPasswords(field1, field2, msg1, msg2)
This call takes two password fields, checks for non-blank and compares them.
It alerts msg1 if a password field is blank, and alerts msg2 if two passwords
aren't equal to each other.
... goodPasswordsLen(field1, field2, n, m, msg1, msg2, msg3)
This call is similar to goodPasswords(), and it checks for password length as
It alerts msg1 if a password field is blank, alerts msg2 if two passwords
aren't equal to each other, and alerts msg3 if the password length doesn't fall
into [n, m].
... goodEMails(field1, field2, msg1, msg2)
This call takes two EMail fields, validates and compares them.
It alerts msg1 if an EMail field is blank, and alerts msg2 if two EMails
aren't equal to each other.
added on
nonBlank() now also checks for radio/radio group, checkbox/checkbox group,
select-list and file.
... single radio
... radio group
... single checkbox
... checkbox group
Select an option
Option 1 Option 2
... select-list
... file upload
... goodURL(field, msg)
The goodURL(field, msg) call checks whether the field value
starts with "http://" or "https://", followed by a domain name in
format, and the web path only contains characters of "/", "%", "?", "+", "#",
"&", ".", [a-z], [A-Z], [0-9], "_" and "-".
added on
notSubmitted(msg) ... this call sets a global variable and returns true
when the form is first time submitted, and if the form is being submitted again,
it alerts the message and returns false.
To use it, place it as the last checking call (place after the noErrors()
call if you use one-alert option).
updated on
The one-alert option introduced on 2004-07-06 would show the same error
message twice for a checking function if internally the function calls another
checking function. This bug is now fixed.
To take the one-alert option, you should always use 1 as the extra parameter.
added on
Usually the first field that fails to pass the checking will stop the rest of
The Check button on the left side checks both VISA and MasterCard, but if
VISA doesn't pass the checking, MasterCard won't be checked. The checking calls
are like:
<form ... onsubmit="return goodVisa(field, msg) && goodMasterCard(field,
You can now check all the fields and consolidate all the error messages into
one alert. To do so, call the validating functions with one extra parameter and
add noErrors() as the last call, for example:
<form ... onsubmit="return goodVisa(field, msg, 1 ) &&
goodMasterCard(field, msg, 1 ) && noErrors() ">
Try the Check button on the left side and it checks both VISA and MasterCard
but only shows one alert.
Note: The core of the following credit card checking calls is
taken from Netscape LivePayment samples codes.
Credit Card:
... goodCreditCard(field, msg)
the goodCreditCard(field, msg) call checks whether the given
credit card number passes the Luhn Mod-10 test or not.
... goodVisa(field, msg)
... goodMasterCard(field, msg)
... goodAmericanExpress(field, msg)
Diner's Club:
... goodDinersClub(field, msg)
Carte Blanche:
... goodCarteBlanche(field, msg)
... goodDiscover(field, msg)
... goodEnRoute(field, msg)
... goodJCB(field, msg)
added on
... noBadWords(field, strict, word-list, msg)
the noBadWords(field, strict, word-list, msg) call screens
field.value for bad words (case insensitive). the strict
parameter can be true so that say "deletesomething" will be caught by key word
"delete", or false so that only "delete something" will be caught.
added on
... goodHexColor(field, msg)
the goodHexColor(field, msg) call checks field.value against the
format of #xxxxxx, x could be 0-9, a-f or A-F.
Non Blank:
... nonBlank(field, msg)
the nonBlank(field, msg) call checks whether field.value
contains any non-white-space character.
Radio & Input:
... goodRadioedFields(form, "radio-group-name", reg-exp, msg-list, msg)
the goodRadioedFields(form, "radio-group-name", reg-exp,
msg-list, msg) call uses the reg-exp to check the form field whose name is the
value of a checked radio button in the radio-group. for example, if you
have the following radio group and input fields:
<form name="myForm">
<input type="radio" name="currency" value="usd ">US$ <input type="text"
name="usd " value="">
<input type="radio" name="currency" value="cad ">CA$ <input type="text"
name="cad " value="">
... you can use the following call to check the form field specified by
the radio button:
goodRadioedFields(document.forms.myForm, "currency", /^\d{1,5}(\.\d{1,2})?$/ ,
["Please input the US$ amount", "Please input the CA$ amount"], "Please specify
a currency first")
the /^\d{1,5}(\.\d{1,2})?$/
is a JS regular expression to validate some floating numbers. The Form Guard
script defines some frequently used regular expression in JS variables, which
can be used as the reg-exp parameter in the goodRadioedFields() call, such as:
- reNonBlank ... /[\S]/
- reHexColor ... /^#[0-9a-fA-F]{6}$/
- reInt ... /^\d+$/
- reSignedInt ... /^(\+|-)?\d+$/
- reFloat ... /^\d+(\.\d+)?$/
- reSignedFloat ... /^(\+|-)?\d+(\.\d+)?$/
- reChar ... /^[\w\-]+$/
Radio & Input:
... goodRadioedFields2(form, "radio-group-name", reg-exp-list, msg-list,
the goodRadioedFields2(form, "radio-group-name", reg-exp-list,
msg-list, msg) call is similar to goodRadioedFields(), except that it takes a
list of regular expressions for each form filed. It could be used like this:
goodRadioedFields2(document.forms.myForm, "str_int", [reNonBlank, reInt],
["Please input a string", "Please input an integer"], "Please select the string
or interger first ")
first release:
... goodEMail(field, msg)
a good email address consists of the name portion (xxx, xx-xx,
xx.xx), @, and the domain portion ( the goodEMail(field,
msg) call returns ture is field.value is a valid email address, otherwise,
alerts the msg, returns false and highlights the form field;
... goodChar(field, msg)
the goodChar(field, msg) call accepts alphanumeric characters
including the underscore and dash, returns true if field.value is good, or
alerts the msg, returns false and highlights the form field
Username: (min/max length)
... goodCharLen(n, m, field, msg)
the goodCharLen(n, m, field, msg) call accepts alphanumeric
characters including the underscore and dash, and the number of chars should
fall into [n,m]
... goodInt(field, msg), goodSignedInt(field, msg)
the goodInt(field, msg) call accepts 0-9 only,
goodSignedInt(field, msg) accepts a leading +/- as well.
Numbers: (max length)
... goodIntLen(n, field, msg), goodSignedIntLen(n, field, msg)
the goodIntLen(n, field, msg) call accepts 0-9 only, and up to n
digits, goodSignedIntLen(n, field, msg) accepts a leading +/- as well (the +/-
sign is not counted as one of the n digits).
Numbers: (exact length)
... goodIntLen2(n, field, msg), goodSignedIntLen2(n, field, msg)
the goodIntLen2(n, field, msg) call accepts 0-9 only, and
exactly n digits, goodSignedIntLen2(n, field, msg) accepts a leading +/- as well
(the +/- sign is not counted as one of the n digits).
Floating Number:
... goodFloat(field, msg), goodSignedFloat(field, msg)
the goodFloat(field, msg) call accepts numbers in format of or xxx, goodSignedFloat(field, msg) accepts a leading +/- as well.
Floating Number: (max length)
... goodFloatLen(n, m, field, msg), goodSignedFloatLen(n, m, field, msg)
the goodFloatLen(n, m, field, msg) call accepts numbers in
format of xxx.yyy or xxx, xxx could have up to n digits, yyy if presents could
have up to m digits, goodSignedFloatLen(n, m, field, msg) accepts a leading +/-
as well (the +/- sign is not counted as one of the n digits).
Floating Number: (exact length)
... goodFloatLen2(n, m, field, msg), goodSignedFloatLen2(n, m, field, msg)
the goodFloatLen2(n, m, field, msg) call accepts numbers in
format of xxx.yyy, xxx should have exactly n digits, yyy should have exactly m
digits, goodSignedFloatLen2(n, m, field, msg) accepts a leading +/- as well (the
+/- sign is not counted as one of the n digits).
... rangeInt(field, r1, r2, msg), rangeSignedInt(field, r1, r2, msg)
rangeInt(field, r1, r2, msg) calls goodInt(field, msg) first, if
good then checks whether the value falls into [r1, r2]. likewise,
rangeSignedInt(field, r1, r2, msg) calls goodSignedInt(field, msg).
Numbers: (max length)
... rangeIntLen(n, field, r1, r2, msg), rangeSignedIntLen(n, field, r1, r2,
rangeIntLen(n, field, r1, r2, msg) calls goodIntLen(n, field,
msg) first, if good then checks whether the value falls into [r1, r2]
Numbers: (exact length)
... rangeIntLen2(n, field, r1, r2, msg), rangeSignedIntLen2(n, field, r1,
r2, msg)
rangeIntLen2(n, field, r1, r2, msg) calls goodIntLen2(n, field,
msg) first, if good then checks whether the value falls into [r1, r2]
Floating Number:
... rangeFloat(field, r1, r2, msg), rangeSignedFloat(field, r1, r2, msg)
rangeFloat(field, r1, r2, msg) calls goodFloat(field, msg)
first, if good then checks whether the value falls into [r1, r2]
Floating Number: (max length)
... rangeFloatLen(n, m, field, r1, r2, msg), rangeSignedFloatLen(n, m,
field, r1, r2, msg)
rangeFloatLen(n, m, field, r1, r2, msg) calls goodFloatLen(n, m,
field, msg) first, if good then checks whether the value falls into [r1, r2]
Floating Number: (exact length)
... rangeFloatLen2(n, m, field, r1, r2, msg), rangeSignedFloatLen2(n, m,
field, r1, r2, msg)
rangeFloatLen2(n, m, field, r1, r2, msg) calls goodFloatLen2(n,
m, field, msg) first, if good then checks whether the value falls into [r1, r2]
... goodDate(format, field, msg)
the goodDate(format, field, msg) call checks field.value against
the format, the format should include dd for day, mm for month and yyyy for
year, it can have any other chars as separators, such as dd/mm/yyyy or
... rangeDate(format, field, r1, r2, msg)
rangeDate(format, field, r1, r2, msg) calls goodDate(format,
field, msg) first, if good then checks whether the field.value falls into [r1,
r2]. r1/r2 could be either in the specified date format, or "0" for
today, "-1" for yesterday, "-n" for n days before , "1" for tomorrow and "n" for
n days later.
Date Range:
... goodDateRange(format, field1, field2, msg)
... goodDateRange2(format, field1, field2, msg)
goodDateRange(format, field1, field2, msg) calls
goodDate(format, field, msg) first to validate the given two dates, if good then
checks whether the first date is earlier than or equal to the second date.
goodDateRange2(format, field1, field2, msg) does the same thing except that the
first date should be earlier than the second date.
... goodIP(field, msg)
the goodIP(field, msg) call checks field.value against the
format of, xxx could be 1-3 digits
... goodPhone(format, field, msg)
the goodPhone(format, field, msg) call checks field.value
against the format, the format should use "d" for numbers only, or "w" for
numbers or alphabetic characters, it can have any other chars as separators. for
example "(ddd) ddd-dddd" would accept phone numbers like (604) 123-1234, and
"(ddd) ddd-wwww" would accept phone numbers like (604) 123-4663 and (604)
To install, right click to save this form.js , then
include it into your page, inside the HEAD section:
<head> <script languange="javascript" src="form.js"></script> </head>
To check the fields, since all the functions would alert the error message if
the given form field doesn't pass the checking, you can set up an onsubmit event
in your form, for example:
<form action="..." method="..." onsubmit="return goodIntLen2(10,
this.numberField, '10 digits needed') && goodDate('mm-dd-yyyy', this.dateField,
'Bad Date') && ...">