
Imprimer - Utilisateurs multiples (tableau Login) - JavaScriptBank.com

Version compl�te: jsB@nk » Sécurité » Passwordor » Utilisateurs multiples (tableau Login)
URL: https://www.javascriptbank.com/multiple-users-login-table.html

Utilisateurs multiples (tableau Login) © JavaScriptBank.comPlutôt pas d'une JavaScript mot de passe pour accéder à la section réservée aux membres de votre site? Eh bien, voici ce petit JavaScript gem. Vous pouvez créer un nom d'utilisateur et JavaScript mot de passe pour autant de membres que vous voulez, et même de donner à chacun une page différente pour aller au-delà de l'exploitation forestière po

Version compl�te: jsB@nk » Sécurité » Passwordor » Utilisateurs multiples (tableau Login)
URL: https://www.javascriptbank.com/multiple-users-login-table.html

<script type="text/javascript">  var userAmt;  do {    userAmt = prompt("How many users do you want to create?","1")  } while(isNaN(userAmt))  userAmt = parseInt(userAmt,10)  var formTop = "<form name='users'>"  var formEnd = "</form>"  var toPrint = new String(formTop)  for(var i=1;i<=userAmt;i++) {    toPrint += "<div style='float:left'>"    toPrint += "UserName "+ i +": <input type='text' name='user"+ i +"'><BR>"    toPrint += "Password "+ i +": <input type='text' name='pass"+ i +"'><BR>"    toPrint += "Location "+ i +": <input type='text' name='loc"+ i +"'></div>"    if(i % 3 == 0) {      toPrint += (i != userAmt) ? "<BR><BR><BR><BR><BR><BR>" :""    }    else {      toPrint += "<div style='float:left'>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</div>"    }  }   toPrint += formEnd + (i%3>0) ? ("<BR><BR><BR><BR><BR>") : ("")  toPrint += "<input type='button' value='Set Up!' onclick='setUp()'><BR><BR>Final Code [ <a href='#' onclick='execSel()'>Select All</a> | <a href='#' onclick='makeCopy()'>Copy All</a> ] :<BR><textarea id='final' rows='10' cols='30'>(no code)</textarea>"  document.write(toPrint)  function execSel() {    document.getElementById("final").focus();    document.getElementById("final").select()  }  function makeCopy() {    execSel()     if (!document.all) {      alert("Press Ctrl/Command + C to Copy the Script.")           return;    }    var txt = document.getElementById('final')    txt=txt.createTextRange();    txt.execCommand('copy');  }  function setUp() {    var theFrm = document.forms['users']    var user = new Array()    var pass = new Array()    var loc = new Array()    var mid1 = "var user = new Array\n"    var mid2 = "        var pass = new Array\n"    var mid3 = "        var loc = new Array\n"      for(var i=0;i<userAmt;i++) {      user[i] = makeUP(theFrm['user'+ (i+1)].value)      pass[i] = makeUP(theFrm['pass'+ (i+1)].value)      loc[i] = makeLoc(theFrm['loc'+ (i+1)].value)      mid1 += "user["+ i +"] = "+ user[i] +"\n"      mid2 += "pass["+ i +"] = "+ pass[i] +"\n"      mid3 += "loc["+ i +"] = "+ loc[i] +"\n"    }    var before = "<script type=\"text/javascript\">\n\n  function checkVals(userNm,passWd) {\nvar username = \"member\"\nvar password = \"enter\"\nvar webPage = \"mySuccessPage.htm\"\n\n// declare numbers to catch errors while transferring to success webPage variable\n"    var mid = mid1 +"\n"+ mid2 +"\n"+ mid3 +"\n"    var after = "var chars = new Array\nvar chars2 = new Array\nfor(var i=0;i<userNm.length;i++) {\nchars[i] = userNm.charCodeAt(i).toString()\n}\n\nvar temp = new String\n\nfor(var i=0;i<chars.length;i++) {\ntemp = new String(chars[i])\nchars[i] = new Array\nfor(var j=0;j<temp.length;j++) {\nvar toUse = temp.charCodeAt(j) + Math.pow((i-j),2) - 45\ntoUse = (toUse > 255) ? (temp.charCodeAt(j) * 2 + j) : toUse\ntoUse = (toUse > 255) ? (temp.charCodeAt(j) * 3 + 8) : toUse\nchars[i][j] = toUse\n}\n} \n\nfor(var i=0;i<passWd.length;i++) {\nchars2[i] = passWd.charCodeAt(i).toString()\n}\n\nvar temp2 = new String\n\nfor(var i=0;i<chars2.length;i++) {\ntemp2 = new String(chars2[i])\nchars2[i] = new Array\nfor(var j=0;j<temp2.length;j++) {\nvar toUse2 = temp2.charCodeAt(j) + Math.pow((i-j),2) - 45\ntoUse2 = (toUse2 > 255) ? (temp2.charCodeAt(j) * 2 + j) : toUse2\ntoUse2 = (toUse2 > 255) ? (temp2.charCodeAt(j) * 3 + 8) : toUse2\nchars2[i][j] = toUse2\n}\n} \n  \nfor(var i=0;i<user.length;i++) {\nif(chars.join(',') == user[i].join(',') && chars2.join(',') == pass[i].join(',')) {\nalert(\"Welcome \"+ userNm +\" !\")\nvar send = new Array(128,64,32,16,8,4,2,1)\nwindow.location = loc[i].join(',').decrypt(send.join(','))\nbreak\n}\n}\nif(i == user.length ) {\nalert(\"Incorrect User/Pass Combo.\")\ndocument.getElementById('user').focus()\ndocument.getElementById('user').select()\n}\n  }\n\n  String.prototype.decrypt = function(send) {\nvar values = this.split(',')\nvar returnVal = \"\"\nvar vals = send.split(',')\nvar conDit\nfor(var i=0;i<vals.length;i++) {\nconDit += \"vals[i] == vals[i]-1\"\nif(i < vals.length - 1) {\nconDit += \" && \"\n}\nelse if(i > vals.length) {\ntry {\nif(i == 1) throw 1;\nelse if(i == 2) throw 2;\nelse if(i == 3) throw 3;\nelse if(i == 4) throw 4;\nelse throw Math.floor(Math.random()*96)+5;\n}\ncatch(err) {\nif(err == 1) returnVal += \"PassWord Incorrect.\";\nelse if(err == 2) returnVal += \"PassWord Correct. (enter)\";\nelse if(err == 3) returnVal += \"UserName Incorrect.\";\nelse if(err == 4) returnVal += \"UserName Correct. (member)\";\nelse returnVal += getErr(i);\n}\n}\n}\nfor(var k=0;k<vals[vals.length-1];k++) {\nfor(var i=0;i<values.length;i++) {\nif(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(conDit))))))))))))))))))))))))) {\nreturnVal += String.fromCharCode(values[i]-10)\n}\n}\n}\nreturn (returnVal.length == 0) ? \"mySuccessPage.htm // webPage\" : returnVal\n  }\n\n  function getErr(val) {\nvar i = Math.round(Math.pow(Math.pow(Math.PI,.5),val))\nif(rind(gone(rind(gone(i)))) == 0) return 0\nelse if(rind(gone(i)) <= 10) return 1\nelse return 2\n  }\n\n  function rind(val) {\nvar num = new Number(0)\nfor(var i=0;i<String.fromCharCode(val);i++) {\nnum += i\n}\nreturn num\n  }\n\n  function gone(val) {\nvar char = val.charCodeAt(0)\nvar str = new String(\"\")\nvar num = new Number(0)\nfor(var i=0;i<val;i++) {\nstr += i +\", \"\nstr += char\n}\nfor(var i=0;i<str.length;i++) {\nnum += i\n}\nreturn num\n  }\n\n</s"+"cript>\n<form onsubmit=\"document.getElementById('sub').click();return false;\">\nUser Name: <input type=\"text\" id=\"user\"><BR>\nPassword: <input type=\"password\" id=\"pass\"><BR>\n<input type=\"submit\" id=\"sub\" value=\"Check User\" onclick=\"checkVals(document.getElementById('user').value,document.getElementById('pass').value)\">\n</form>"    document.getElementById('final').value = before + mid + after  }  function makeUP(stringForCon) {    var chars = new Array    for(var i=0;i<stringForCon.length;i++) {      chars[i] = stringForCon.charCodeAt(i).toString()    }    var temp = new String    for(var i=0;i<chars.length;i++) {      temp = new String(chars[i])      chars[i] = new Array      for(var j=0;j<temp.length;j++) {        var toUse = temp.charCodeAt(j) + Math.pow((i-j),2) - 45        toUse = (toUse > 255) ? (temp.charCodeAt(j) * 2 + j) : toUse        toUse = (toUse > 255) ? (temp.charCodeAt(j) * 3 + 8) : toUse        chars[i][j] = toUse      }    }      return ("new Array("+ chars.join(',') +")")  }  function makeLoc(strText) {    var theResult = "new Array("    for(var i=0;i<strText.length;i++) {      theResult += (strText.charCodeAt(i) + 10)      if(i < strText.length - 1) {        theResult += ","      }    }    return (theResult +")")  }  </script><!--    This script downloaded from www.JavaScriptBank.com    Come to view and download over 2000+ free javascript at www.JavaScriptBank.com-->