Version compl�te: jsB@nk » Texte » Animation » Texte Spirale
Cet Le code JavaScript rend le texte se déplacer contiously lorsque les visiteurs cliquent sur le bouton, vous pouvez cutomize cet effet par la mise en téléchargement sans cliquer sur le bouton.
Version compl�te: jsB@nk » Texte » Animation » Texte Spirale
<STYLE>.rotateOBJ {COLOR: silver; FILTER: Glow(Color=Black, Strength=5) Shadow(Color=Gray, Direction=135); FONT-FAMILY: Times New Roman; FONT-SIZE: 20pt; FONT-STYLE: italic; FONT-WEIGHT: bold; POSITION: relative; TEXT-ALIGN: center; WIDTH: 100%}#button {VISIBILITY: visible}#mysite {COLOR: silver; FILTER: Glow(Color=Black, Strength=5) Shadow(Color=Gray, Direction=135); VISIBILITY: hidden; WIDTH: 100%}</STYLE><!-- This script downloaded from Come to view and download over 2000+ free javascript at>
<SCRIPT language=JavaScript>arrCos = new Array(361); /* Hold the COS lookup table for 0 to 360 deg */arrSin = new Array(361); /* Hold the SIN lookup table for 0 to 360 deg */for (i=0;i<=360;i++) { arrSin[i]=Math.sin(i*Math.PI/180); arrCos[i]=Math.cos(i*Math.PI/180);}function rotateleft(objID,x,y,r,deg,rinc) { /* objID - the ID of the object we're gonna manipulate * x - current object x-axis * y - current object y-axis * r - current object radius * deg - current rotation around axis in degrees * rinc - by how much we'll increment the radius this time */ y=r*arrSin[deg]; x=r*arrCos[deg]; document.all[objID].style.pixelLeft=x; document.all[objID].style.pixelTop=y+r+10; if (deg%60==0) r+=rinc; /* Has the radius reached it's maximum/minumum? If so, change the sign of the rinc * so that instead of incrementing we decrement - and visa versa */ if (r>60||r<10) { rinc*=-1; r+=rinc; } deg-=5; if (deg<=0) deg=360; setTimeout("rotateleft('"+objID+"',"+x+","+y+","+r+","+deg+","+rinc+")",10);}function rotateright(objID,x,y,r,deg,rinc) { /* objID - the ID of the object we're gonna manipulate * x - current object x-axis * y - current object y-axis * r - current object radius * deg - current rotation around axis in degrees * rinc - by how much we'll increment the radius this time */ y=r*arrSin[deg]; x=r*arrCos[deg]; document.all[objID].style.pixelLeft=x; document.all[objID].style.pixelTop=y+r+10; if (deg%60==0) r+=rinc; /* Has the radius reached it's maximum/minumum? If so, change the sign of the rinc * so that instead of incrementing we decrement - and visa versa */ if (r>60||r<10) { rinc*=-1; r+=rinc; } deg+=5; if (deg>=360) deg=0; setTimeout("rotateright('"+objID+"',"+x+","+y+","+r+","+deg+","+rinc+")",10);}function doit() {// not need in tnis script ---------------------//'hidden';//'visible';//----------------------------------------------- x=0; /* initial x-axis position */ y=0; /* initial y-axis position */ r=20; /* initial radius */ deg=0; /* initial rotation around axis (in degrees) */ rinc=1; /* radius increment */ /* Begin rotating each phrase with possible offsets to the initial values */ rotateright("obj2", x, y, r, deg, rinc); rotateleft("obj1", x, y, r, 360, rinc);}</SCRIPT><!-- This script downloaded from Come to view and download over 2000+ free javascript at>
<TABLE border=0 width="100%"> <TBODY> <TR> <TD align=middle vAlign=center width="50%"><SPAN class=rotateOBJ id=obj1>Spiral text left</SPAN> </TD> <TD align=middle vAlign=center width="50%"><SPAN class=rotateOBJ id=obj2>Spiral text right</SPAN> </TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE><INPUT id=button name=Button onclick=doit() type=button value="Click to spiral text"><!-- This script downloaded from Come to view and download over 2000+ free javascript at>