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This script does not work in Netscape 4. Actually, the calender doesn't even appear in that browser. It does work in IE4+, IE5+, IE6+, and Netscape 6+.

It also features a shadow to give it a small sense of depth. All the settings such as colors and fonts are controlled entirely by cascading stylesheets. The list below gives a brief rundown of the stylesheet classnames and what each pertains to:
  • calShadow - The dark dropshadow.
  • calMain - The basic appearance of the calender containing box.
  • calMonthYear - The appearance of the Month and Year text section.
  • calHdr - The appearance of the Sunday to Saturday day headers.
  • calToday - The appearance of today's date in the calender grid.
  • calText - The appearance of the rest of the days in the calender grid.


1: Copy and paste the following style declaration in the HEAD section of your page:
Select all...

2: Copy and paste the following script in the HEAD section of your page:
Select all...

3: Copy and paste the following HTML in the BODY section of your page wherever you want the calender to appear:
Select all...