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4 | The month number you want to display; in this case, April. |
2003 | The year you want to display; in this case 2003. |
"main" | The CSS classname which controls the calendar's size mostly. You can add other items but NS4 may not reflect the settings the way you want. |
"month" | The classname which controls how the centered month & year looks. |
"daysofweek" | The classname which controls how the day letters look. |
"days" | The classname which controls how the day numbers look. |
0 | The thickness of the border between all cells. 0=no border. |
1 | The starting day of the week. This is so you can set a beginning day other than Sunday. The values are: 1=Sun, 2=Mon, 3=Tue, 4=Wed, 5=Thu, 6=Fri, 7=Sat. |
'' | Optional function name. When set to a value other than an empty string, this setting is the arbitrary name of a user-designed function to process the results of clicking the date. The arguments passed to this function are the month, day, and year on the day clicked (in that order). It is up to the user to create a working function. An example of this is found later on in the page. You can use this to update a form element, navigate to a different page, etc. If this value is not required, simply set this to an empty string. |
.main { width:150px; border:1px solid black; } |
.month { background-color:black; font:bold 11px verdana; color:white; } |
.daysofweek { background-color:gray; font:bold 10px verdana; color:white; } |
.days { font-size:9px; font-family:verdana; color:black; cursor:default; background-color:lightgrey; } |