
Print - JavaScript Countdown Timer solution in OOP - JavaScriptBank.com

Full version: jsB@nk » Time » Counter » JavaScript Countdown Timer solution in OOP
URL: https://www.javascriptbank.com/javascript-countdown-timer-solution-in-oop.html

JavaScript Countdown Timer solution in OOP © JavaScriptBank.comThis JavaScript code is the new & unique solution to create a countdown timer on your web pages; it's really new in the look of web developers and users. This JavaScript countdown timer is very easy to use & customize, even if you're not a JavaScript coder.

Full version: jsB@nk » Time » Counter » JavaScript Countdown Timer solution in OOP
URL: https://www.javascriptbank.com/javascript-countdown-timer-solution-in-oop.html

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<script>    countdown = function(){      /*         configuration of script, properties with         values and labels will become form elements!       */      var cfg = {        displayID:'display',        preferencesID:'preferences',        finalClass:'final',        overClass:'over',        initialText:{          value:'2:00',          label:'Initial Text'        },        seconds:{          value:2*60,          label:'Time in Seconds'        },        finalCountdown:{          value:30,          label:'Warning start'        },        pauseLabel:{         value:'pause',         label:'Pause Text'         },          resumeLabel:{          value:'resume',          label:'Resume Text'        },        resetLabel:{          value:'reset',          label:'Reset Text'        },        startLabel:{          value:'start',          label:'Start Text'        }      };      /* presets */      var seconds = cfg.seconds.value;      var interval = null;      var secs = null;      var startTime = null;      var realsecs = null;      /* create display */      var display = document.createElement('div');      display.id = cfg.displayID;      document.body.appendChild(display);      display.innerHTML = cfg.initialText.value;      /* create form with buttons */      var form = document.createElement('form');      document.body.appendChild(form);      var startButton = createInput('button','startButton',cfg.startLabel.value);      startButton.onclick = startCountDown;      form.appendChild(startButton);      var pauseButton = createInput('button','pauseButton',cfg.pauseLabel.value);      pauseButton.onclick = pauseCountDown;      pauseButton.disabled = true;      form.appendChild(pauseButton);      var resetButton = createInput('button','resetButton',cfg.resetLabel.value);      resetButton.onclick = resetCountDown;      form.appendChild(resetButton);      /* create preferences panel */      var preferencesPanel = document.createElement('div');      preferencesPanel.id = cfg.preferencesID;      preferencesPanel.style.display = 'none';      var firstForm = document.getElementsByTagName('form')[0];      firstForm.appendChild(preferencesPanel);      var button = createInput('button',null,'preferences');      button.onclick = togglePreferences;      preferencesPanel.parentNode.insertBefore(button,preferencesPanel);      /* create preferences form */      var prefs = [];      for (var i in cfg){        if(cfg[i].value){          prefs.push(i);          var p = document.createElement('p');          p.appendChild(createLabel(cfg[i].label,i));          p.appendChild(createInput('text',i,cfg[i].value));          preferencesPanel.appendChild(p);        }      }      var setPreferencesButton = createInput('button','set','set');      preferencesPanel.appendChild(setPreferencesButton);      setPreferencesButton.onclick = setPreferences;      function setPreferences(){        for(var i=0,j=prefs.length;i<j;i++){          cfg[prefs[i]].value = document.getElementById(prefs[i]).value;        }        resetCountDown();        preferencesPanel.style.display = 'none';      }      function togglePreferences(){        preferencesPanel.style.display = preferencesPanel.style.display === 'none' ? 'block' : 'none';      }      function startCountDown(){        pauseButton.disabled = false;        startButton.disabled = true;        startTime = new Date();        interval = setInterval(countdown.doCountDown, 100);      }      function doCountDown(){        realsecs = Math.ceil(seconds - (new Date() - startTime) / 1000);        var mins = parseInt(realsecs / 60);        var secs = realsecs % 60;        display.innerHTML = parseInt(mins) + ':'+ (secs < 10 ? '0' : '') +(secs % 60);        display.className = (realsecs > cfg.finalCountdown.value) ? '' : cfg.finalClass;        if(realsecs===0){          display.className = cfg.overClass;          window.clearTimeout(interval);        }      }      function resetCountDown(){        window.clearTimeout(interval);        startButton.disabled = false;        pauseButton.disabled = true;        display.innerHTML = cfg.initialText.value;        interval = null;        seconds = cfg.seconds.value;        pauseButton.value = cfg.pauseLabel.value;        resetButton.value = cfg.resetLabel.value;        startButton.value = cfg.startLabel.value;        display.className = '';      }      function pauseCountDown(){        if(pauseButton.value === cfg.pauseLabel.value){          seconds = realsecs;          window.clearTimeout(interval);          pauseButton.value = cfg.resumeLabel.value;        } else {          startCountDown();          pauseButton.value = cfg.pauseLabel.value;        }      }      function createInput(type,id,value){        var input = document.createElement('input');        input.value = value;        input.type = type;        if(id){          input.id = id;        }        return input;      }      function createLabel(text,id){        var label = document.createElement('label');        label.appendChild(document.createTextNode(cfg[id].label));        label.htmlFor = id;        return label;      }      return {doCountDown:doCountDown};    }();  </script>