This image rotation system creates a dissolving effect for the transition phase. Great for banners, picture-presentations and more. Add as many images as you like. Each image can be linked to a different URL. The full dissolving effect can be view with IE4, IE5 or higher. Netscape-users will see a simple image-rotation-effect instead of it.
Enhanced double-gum-effect made for banner-rotations or diashows. Each image or banner can be linked to a different Website. Netscape-users will see a simple image-rotation-effect. Why? Unfortunately Netscape Navigator is too slow to create a smooth movement.
Add a little magic to your image-presentation with this JavaScript! First you will see only the debris of your image randomly spread out all over the browser screen. Then those scattered image-pieces will be drawn together by a strong magnetic force until the image has been recreated out of those debris! Made for IE5 and higher.
Use a crop duster to exterminate little e-mail smilies that stick out their tounges. NO GIFS, JUST CODE FUN!! Gives you that classic gaming feeling.
Rules: Select a number between 1 and 21 in your mind. The numbers are arranged here in 3 groups. For each group there is a button for selecting purpose. Find out your number and click the button along with that group. Follow instructions.
Put the numbers in order so that they read 1-8. The 0 is the 'empty' place. Click on any number next to 0 and they will switch places.
A shooting gun game with cannon. Use arrow keys to move and Spacebar to fire.
Click the button until there are three same numbers.