This JavaScript controls a maximum textarea input amount and updates a small counter with how many characters are left with each keystroke. Dynamic fix now allows you to use this JavaScript in multiple textboxes on a page. Easy!
Limits the number of checkboxes that the user is able to check on your site. Ideal for situations when more than one selection is allowed up to a certain number overall. If they select too many, they are notified of the maximum allowed and their last entry becomes unchecked.
If you have several items for the user to pick from, you may notice that your page can quickly becomes cluttered. This JavaScript helps solve that problem by opening a new window when the user wants to add items to the list. The new window displays the items and passes the selected item information back to the list in the main window. Slick!
Javascript can remember a list of several items you enter. Just enter an item and click 'Add to List'. When you are finished, click 'Show List' to see the entries.
This JavaScript allows someone to choose a file on their hard drive and open it. Now cross-browser compatible.
This JavaScript defines English words. You put in the word. It gives you the definition. Easy enough! It also includes a thesaurus.
If a user enters his JavaScript password in a Web-based form with Caps Lock accidentally on, he can become frustrated because his JavaScript password is not being accepted... and he may assume the application is the source of the problem. This JavaScript code function will let the user know his Caps Lock is on and about the potential for error.
This JavaScript will not accept special characters which you type.