XML - a type of data defining - becoming more popular at present because of its flexibility and convenience, data defined by XML become more visual and clear to query with any platform. XML is being used by more and more web platforms/utilities such as: JavaScript, PHP, .NET, Java, Flash, etc.
Almost web development tools, web applications have exclusive libraries (functions, objects) to process XML data; besides; many famous platforms: WordPress, Zend, Joomla, etc also built its own libraries for XML; this is stable proof to proven above things jsB@nk said.
However, the field of XML is too big to discuss in this short post, because there was many professional books/e-books research it. Now in this post, jsB@nk like only to show you a simple JavaScript application for generating data in XML. Please go to the live demo of this JavaScript code example for short review.
Try more JavaScript XML parse scripts if you like:
- Random of Testimonial Bubbles with XML and jQuery
- getXML