Full version: jsB@nk » Utility » Generator » 4096 Color Wheel
URL: https://www.javascriptbank.com/4096-color-wheel-v2-1-index.html
Hover over the wheel to view colors. Click to choose a web-smart color. Reload to clear.
Full version: jsB@nk » Utility » Generator » 4096 Color Wheel
URL: https://www.javascriptbank.com/4096-color-wheel-v2-1-index.html
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<SCRIPT language=JavaScript><!-- //Beginhue = 60;adeg = 60;sat = 1;val = 1;squarecolor = "#ffff00"; //starting huepickindex = 0;threec = new Array("#666666", "#555555", "#545657"); // the three colorsprevc = threec[2];picary = new Array("picka", "pickb", "pickc", "pickd", "picke", "pickf", "pickg");initary = new Array("#444444", "#777777", "#aaaaaa", "#bbbbbb", "#cccccc", "#dddddd", "#eeeeee");// code from Browser Detect Lite v2.1// http://www.dithered.com/javascript/browser_detect/index.html// modified by Chris Nott ([email protected] - remove NOSPAM)// modified by Michael Lovitt to include OmniWeb and Dreamcast// modified by Jemima Pereira to detect only relevant browsersfunction BrowserDetectXLite() {var ua = navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase(); this.ua = ua;// browser namethis.isIE = ( (ua.indexOf("msie") != -1) && (ua.indexOf("opera") == -1) && (ua.indexOf("webtv") == -1) ); this.isSafari = (ua.indexOf('safari') != - 1);// browser versionthis.versionMinor = parseFloat(navigator.appVersion); // correct version number for IE4+ if (this.isIE && this.versionMinor >= 4) {this.versionMinor = parseFloat( ua.substring( ua.indexOf('msie ') + 5 ) );}this.versionMajor = parseInt(this.versionMinor); // platformthis.isWin = (ua.indexOf('win') != -1);this.isWin32 = (this.isWin && ( ua.indexOf('95') != -1 || ua.indexOf('98') != -1 || ua.indexOf('nt') != -1 || ua.indexOf('win32') != -1 || ua.indexOf('32bit') != -1) );this.isMac = (ua.indexOf('mac') != -1);this.isIE4x = (this.isIE && this.versionMajor == 4);this.isIE4up = (this.isIE && this.versionMajor >= 4);this.isIE5x = (this.isIE && this.versionMajor == 5);this.isIE55 = (this.isIE && this.versionMinor == 5.5);this.isIE5up = (this.isIE && this.versionMajor >= 5);this.isIE6x = (this.isIE && this.versionMajor == 6);this.isIE6up = (this.isIE && this.versionMajor >= 6);this.isIE4xMac = (this.isIE4x && this.isMac);}var browser = new BrowserDetectXLite();//end of browser detector//fix for IE's png stupidityfunction deMoronize() {//now the onload function// detect moronic browsers if (!((browser.isIE55 || browser.isIE6up) && browser.isWin32)) { // demoronize div#wheel image if browser is non-moronic thesmartversion = "<a href='javascript://' onclick='javascript:pickColor(); return false;'><img src='hsvwheel.png' alt='color wheel' width='553' height='257' border='0'></a>"; document.getElementById("wheel").innerHTML = thesmartversion; } // keypress stuff if (browser.isSafari) document.onkeypress = rotate; //safari repeat else document.onkeydown = rotate; // start capturing the mouse capture();}// HSV conversion algorithm adapted from easyrgb.comfunction hsv2rgb(Hdeg,S,V) { H = Hdeg/360; // convert from degrees to 0 to 1 if (S==0) { // HSV values = From 0 to 1 R = V*255; // RGB results = From 0 to 255 G = V*255; B = V*255;} else { var_h = H*6; var_i = Math.floor( var_h ); //Or ... var_i = floor( var_h ) var_1 = V*(1-S); var_2 = V*(1-S*(var_h-var_i)); var_3 = V*(1-S*(1-(var_h-var_i))); if (var_i==0) {var_r=V ; var_g=var_3; var_b=var_1} else if (var_i==1) {var_r=var_2; var_g=V; var_b=var_1} else if (var_i==2) {var_r=var_1; var_g=V; var_b=var_3} else if (var_i==3) {var_r=var_1; var_g=var_2; var_b=V} else if (var_i==4) {var_r=var_3; var_g=var_1; var_b=V} else {var_r=V; var_g=var_1; var_b=var_2} R = Math.round(var_r*255); //RGB results = From 0 to 255 G = Math.round(var_g*255); B = Math.round(var_b*255); } return new Array(R,G,B);}function rgb2hex(rgbary) { cary = new Array; cary[3] = "#"; for (i=0; i < 3; i++) { cary[i] = parseInt(rgbary[i]).toString(16); if (cary[i].length < 2) cary[i] = "0"+ cary[i]; cary[3] = cary[3] + cary[i]; cary[i+4] = rgbary[i]; //save dec values for later } // function returns hex color as an array of three two-digit strings // plus the full hex color and original decimal values return cary;}function webRounder(c,d) {//d is the divisor //safe divisor is 51, smart divisor is 17 thec = "#"; for (i=0; i<3; i++) { num = Math.round(c[i+4]/d) * d; //use saved rgb value numc = num.toString(16); if (String(numc).length < 2) numc = "0" + numc; thec += numc; } return thec;}function hexColorArray(c) { //now takes string hex value with # threec[2] = c[3]; threec[1] = webRounder(c,17); threec[0] = webRounder(c,51); return false;}function capture() { hoverColor(); initColor(); if(document.layers) { layobj = document.layers['wheel']; layobj.document.captureEvents(Event.MOUSEMOVE); layobj.document.onmousemove = mouseMoved; } else if (document.all) { layobj = document.all["wheel"]; layobj.onmousemove = mouseMoved; } else if (document.getElementById) { window.document.getElementById("wheel").onmousemove = mouseMoved; }}function greyMoved(x,y) { adeg = hue; xside = (x<=553)?x - 296:256; yside = (y<=256)?y:256; sat = xside/256; val = 1 - (yside/256); c = rgb2hex(hsv2rgb(hue,sat,val)); hexColorArray(c); hoverColor(); return false;}function mouseMoved(e) { if (document.layers) { x = e.layerX; y = e.layerY; } else if (document.all) { x = event.offsetX; y = event.offsetY; } else if (document.getElementById) { x = (e.pageX - document.getElementById("wheel").offsetLeft); y = (e.pageY - document.getElementById("wheel").offsetTop); } if (x >= 296) {greyMoved(x,y); return false;} if (y > 256) {return false;} cartx = x - 128; carty = 128 - y; cartx2 = cartx * cartx; carty2 = carty * carty; cartxs = (cartx < 0)?-1:1; cartys = (carty < 0)?-1:1; cartxn = cartx/128; //normalize x rraw = Math.sqrt(cartx2 + carty2); //raw radius rnorm = rraw/128; //normalized radius if (rraw == 0) { sat = 0; val = 0; rgb = new Array(0,0,0); } else { arad = Math.acos(cartx/rraw); //angle in radians aradc = (carty>=0)?arad:2*Math.PI - arad; //correct below axis adeg = 360 * aradc/(2*Math.PI); //convert to degrees if (rnorm > 1) { // outside circle rgb = new Array(255,255,255); sat = 1; val = 1; } //else rgb = hsv2rgb(adeg,1,1); else if (rnorm >= .5) { sat = 1 - ((rnorm - .5) *2); val = 1; rgb = hsv2rgb(adeg,sat,val); } else { sat = 1; val = rnorm * 2; rgb = hsv2rgb(adeg,sat,val);} } c = rgb2hex(rgb); hexColorArray(c); hoverColor(); return false;}function hoverColor() { if (document.layers) { // document.layers["wheel"].bgColor = threec[1]; document.layers["demoa"].bgColor = threec[0]; document.layers["demob"].bgColor = threec[1]; document.layers["democ"].bgColor = threec[2]; document.layers["demoa"].document.cccform.ccc.value = threec[0]; document.layers["demob"].document.aaaform.abc.value = threec[1]; document.layers["democ"].document.abcform.abc.value = threec[2]; } else if (document.all) { // document.all["wheel"].style.backgroundColor = threec[1]; document.all["demoa"].style.backgroundColor = threec[0]; document.all["demob"].style.backgroundColor = threec[1]; document.all["democ"].style.backgroundColor = threec[2]; document.all["demoa"].document.cccform.ccc.value = threec[0]; document.all["demob"].document.aaaform.aaa.value = threec[1]; document.all["democ"].document.abcform.abc.value = threec[2]; } else if (document.getElementById) { // document.getElementById("wheel").style.backgroundColor = threec[1]; document.getElementById("demoa").style.backgroundColor = threec[0]; document.getElementById("demob").style.backgroundColor = threec[1]; document.getElementById("democ").style.backgroundColor = threec[2]; document.cccform.ccc.value = threec[0]; document.aaaform.aaa.value = threec[1]; document.abcform.abc.value = threec[2]; } return false;}function pickColor() { if (threec[2] == prevc) return false; // prevent duplicate entries in list prevc = threec[2]; thecontents = "<tt class='wtxt'>" + threec[1] +"</tt><br /><tt class='btxt'>" + threec[1] + "</tt>"; thecolors = "<tt>" + threec[0] + " " + threec[1] + " " + threec[2] + "</tt> <span style='background-color: " + threec[1] + "; padding-left: 10px;'> </span><br />"; document.getElementById("fulllist").innerHTML += thecolors; switch (pickindex) { case 0: document.getElementById("picka").innerHTML = thecontents; document.getElementById("picka").style.backgroundColor = threec[1]; break; case 1: document.getElementById("pickb").innerHTML = thecontents; document.getElementById("pickb").style.backgroundColor = threec[1]; break; case 2: document.getElementById("pickc").innerHTML = thecontents; document.getElementById("pickc").style.backgroundColor = threec[1]; break; case 3: document.getElementById("pickd").innerHTML = thecontents; document.getElementById("pickd").style.backgroundColor = threec[1]; break; case 4: document.getElementById("picke").innerHTML = thecontents; document.getElementById("picke").style.backgroundColor = threec[1]; break; case 5: document.getElementById("pickf").innerHTML = thecontents; document.getElementById("pickf").style.backgroundColor = threec[1]; break; case 6: document.getElementById("pickg").innerHTML = thecontents; document.getElementById("pickg").style.backgroundColor = threec[1]; break; } pickindex += 1; if (pickindex >= picary.length) pickindex = 0; setSquare(adeg); return false;}function setSquare(deg) { hue = deg; adeg = deg; c = rgb2hex(hsv2rgb(hue,1,1)); squarecolor = c[3]; if (document.layers) { document.layers["wheel"].bgColor = squarecolor; } else if (document.all) { document.all["wheel"].style.backgroundColor = squarecolor; } else if (document.getElementById) { document.getElementById("wheel").style.backgroundColor = squarecolor; }}function initColor() { for (i=0; i<7; i++) { thecontents = "<tt class='wtxt'>" + initary[i] +"</tt><br><tt class='btxt'>" + initary[i] +"</tt>"; switch (i) { case 0: document.getElementById("picka").innerHTML = thecontents; document.getElementById("picka").style.backgroundColor = initary[i]; break; case 1: document.getElementById("pickb").innerHTML = thecontents; document.getElementById("pickb").style.backgroundColor = initary[i]; break; case 2: document.getElementById("pickc").innerHTML = thecontents; document.getElementById("pickc").style.backgroundColor = initary[i]; break; case 3: document.getElementById("pickd").innerHTML = thecontents; document.getElementById("pickd").style.backgroundColor = initary[i]; break; case 4: document.getElementById("picke").innerHTML = thecontents; document.getElementById("picke").style.backgroundColor = initary[i]; break; case 5: document.getElementById("pickf").innerHTML = thecontents; document.getElementById("pickf").style.backgroundColor = initary[i]; break; case 6: document.getElementById("pickg").innerHTML = thecontents; document.getElementById("pickg").style.backgroundColor = initary[i]; break; } }}function theToggle(divid,disp) {var elements = document.getElementsByTagName("div");for(var i = 0; i < elements.length; i++) {if (elements.item(i).id == divid) { elements.item(i).style.display = disp;}}}// keyboard tricks adapted from// http://www.ipwebdesign.net/kaelisSpace/useful_keypress.html// see also http://sniptools.com/jskeysfunction rotate(e) { if (!e) e = window.event; var key = (typeof e.which == 'number')?e.which:e.keyCode; // var key = e.keyCode; handleKP(key); }function handleKP(key) { switch (key) { case 13: reHue(hue); pickColor(); break; // enter key case 112: reHue(hue); pickColor(); break; // p to pick case 114: reHue(0); break; //r for red case 121: reHue(60); break; //y for yellow case 103: reHue(120); break; //g for green case 99: reHue(180); break; //c for cyan case 98: reHue(240); break; //b for blue case 109: reHue(300); break; //m for magenta case 106: reHue(hue+1); break; //j increases case 104: reHue(hue+1); break; //h increases (dvorak) case 107: reHue(hue+355); break; //k decreases more case 116: reHue(hue+355); break; //t decreases more (dvorak) case 108: reHue(hue+359); break; //l decreases case 110: reHue(hue+359); break; //n decreases (dvorak) // need second set for capital letters case 80: reHue(hue); pickColor(); break; // P case 82: reHue(0); break; //R case 89: reHue(60); break; //Y case 71: reHue(120); break; //G case 67: reHue(180); break; //C case 66: reHue(240); break; //B case 77: reHue(300); break; //M case 74: reHue(hue+1); break; //J case 72: reHue(hue+1); break; //H case 75: reHue(hue+355); break; //K case 84: reHue(hue+355); break; //T case 76: reHue(hue+359); break; //L case 78: reHue(hue+359); break; //N } return false;}function reHue(deg) { deg = deg % 360; setSquare(deg); rgb = hsv2rgb(deg,sat,val); c = rgb2hex(rgb); hexColorArray(c); hoverColor(); return false;}// End --></SCRIPT><!-- This script downloaded from www.JavaScriptBank.com Come to view and download over 2000+ free javascript at www.JavaScriptBank.com-->
<BODY onload=deMoronize();><div style="position: relative;"><DIV id=wheel><A onclick="javascript:pickColor(); return false;" href="javascript://"><IMG style="BORDER-RIGHT: 0px; BORDER-TOP: 0px; FILTER: progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.AlphaImageLoader(src='hsvwheel.png', sizingMethod='scale'); BORDER-LEFT: 0px; WIDTH: 553px; BORDER-BOTTOM: 0px; HEIGHT: 257px" alt="color wheel (hsv)" src="blank.gif"></A></DIV><DIV id=demoa><FORM name=cccform><INPUT size=8 name=ccc> </FORM><SPAN class=btxt>web-safe</SPAN><BR><SPAN class=wtxt>web-safe</SPAN></DIV><DIV id=demob><FORM name=aaaform><INPUT size=8 name=aaa> </FORM><SPAN class=btxt>web-smart</SPAN><BR><SPAN class=wtxt>web-smart</SPAN></DIV><DIV id=democ><FORM name=abcform><INPUT size=8 name=abc> </FORM><SPAN class=btxt>unsafe</SPAN><BR><SPAN class=wtxt>unsafe</SPAN></DIV><!-- with the pickset, the picks and instructions --><DIV id=pickset><DIV id=picks><DIV id=picka></DIV><DIV id=pickb></DIV><DIV id=pickc></DIV><DIV id=pickd></DIV><DIV id=picke></DIV><DIV id=pickf></DIV><DIV id=pickg></DIV></DIV></DIV><!-- on the right, the full list --><DIV id=fulllist></DIV></div></BODY><!-- This script downloaded from www.JavaScriptBank.com Come to view and download over 2000+ free javascript at www.JavaScriptBank.com-->