Phiên bản đầy đủ: jsB@nk » Ứng dụng » Trị giá của trọng lượng
Một tiện ích nho nhỏ và khá vui nhộn để tính giá trị của trọng lượng cơ thể bạn trong điều kiện làm việc nào đó.
Phiên bản đầy đủ: jsB@nk » Ứng dụng » Trị giá của trọng lượng
<script language="javascript"><!--var myWeight;var myYearlySalary;var myHomePrice;//William Chinnick<[email protected]>_2007/WYWiG_Calc.,//Atomic weight AU=196.967 /Specific gravity AU=19.3*10years=.980,//Cost of living of a 100 years duration,Entropy=.980,//or dross factor approx=.010/year,// Home costs approx.1/3 earnings.// In Rumpleaustiltskin's postulate ->//profitability of small business when a social democratic government regulates //the maximum starting minumum wage for employees@=> $7.00/hour, //brings a usurping of gold standard for the small business.function HowMany(form){var difference;difference = (myYearlySalary * myWeight) * .980;form.Gdiff.value = difference;{form.myHomePrice.value = (difference)/32;}if (difference < 100000) {form.comment.value="You better start working!";}if (difference > 100001 && difference < 200000) {form.comment.value="Try getting up earlier,you can do better.";}if (difference > 200001 && difference < 700000) {form.comment.value="Very good! Ask the boss for a raise.";}if (difference > 700001 && difference < 1100000) {form.comment.value="Should have clued into a perfect spouse's endowments,eh?!";}if (difference > 1100001 && difference < 1500000) {form.comment.value="Your management material!";}if (difference > 1500001 && difference < 3200000) {form.comment.value="Really, your fit for management team of a multinational corp.";}if (difference > 3200001) {form.comment.value="No arguement here,you can afford exercise and a good vacation,."; }}function SetMyWeight(weight){myWeight = weight.value;}function SetmyYearlySalary(dollar){myYearlySalary = dollar.value;}function SetmyHomePrice(dollar){myHomePrice = dollar.value;}function ClearForm(form){form.myWeight.value = "";form.myYearlySalary.value = "";form.Gdiff.value = "";form.myHomePrice.value = "";form.comment.value = "";}// --></script><!-- This script downloaded from Come to view and download over 2000+ free javascript at>
<form><table border="1"><tr><td><font color=blue>Your<br>Weight<br>(lbs.)</font color=blue></td><td><font color=blue>Earned<br>($)dollars,<br>yearly</font color=blue></td><td><input type="button" ONCLICK="HowMany(this.form)" VALUE="Compute"></td><td><B><font color=gold>20 yr Career,<br>Worth your weight in Gold <br>dollars</font color=gold></B></td><td><B><font color=gold>20 yr Career,<br>Good as Gold home price <br>allotment dollars</font color=gold></B></td></tr><tr><td><input TYPE=text NAME=myWeight SIZE="6"ONCHANGE="SetMyWeight(this)"></td><td><input TYPE=text NAME=myYearlySalary SIZE="6"ONCHANGE="SetmyYearlySalary(this)"></td><td><input TYPE=BUTTON VALUE=" Reset " onClick="ClearForm(this.form)"></td><td>$<input TYPE=text NAME="Gdiff" VALUE="" SIZE="8"></td><td>$<input TYPE=text NAME="myHomePrice" VALUE="" SIZE="8"></td></tr></table><table border="1"><tr><TD><font color=blue>Revenuers Comment</font color=blue></TD><TD><input TYPE=text NAME="comment" size="60"></td></tr></table></form><!-- This script downloaded from Come to view and download over 2000+ free javascript at>