
Plus de 30 excellentes galeries de photo Il ya plus de 2 ans , avait présenté pour vous une liste de 65 Free JavaScript Galerie de photos Solutions ce que nous voyons , c'est trop vieux pour mettre à jour.

Par conséquent, aujourd'hui , nous avons dressé une nouvelle liste où nous présentons plus de 30 excellents AJAX , JavaScript et Visionneuse galeries à base d'image pour vous permettre de booster vos sites de photos, des galeries de photos sur le Web ou d'un portail de photo juste personnels.

Dans cette liste , vous verrez de nombreuses puissant et étonnant JavaScript photo galeries, AJAX image vitrines tels que: Stores, S3 curseur TN3 Gallery, Super Sized , Slider Anything , Scroll Div lisse , RoyalSlider , AD Gallery, Nivo Slider DevKick Galleria, AviaSlider , Polaroid Photo Viewer , la séquence et Diapo .

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Nivo Slider

This jQuery plugin gives you 16 unique transition effects and clean and valid markup.

DevKick Galleria

This is a JavaScript based image gallery framework that simplifies the process of creating image galleries not only for web but also for mobile devices.

jQuery Banner Rotator / Slideshow

This plugin offers multiple transitions and made for providing easy navigation of your banners or ads.

AviaSlider - jQuery Slideshow

With this jQuery slideshow, you can create some appealing sliders that can fit into every project.

Triple Panel Image Slider

This plugin allows you to create a triple panel jQuery image slider with a 3D look.

Sliding Boxes and Captions

With this, you can have a div that works as a window where two other items can peek through.

Polaroid Photo Viewer

With this image gallery, you can add some excellent polaroid effects to your images.


Phong Thai Phong Thai is a Web Developer, Web Coder for 20 years with PHP, JavaScript, CSS. He is the creator of - provide thousands of free JavaScript code examples, web development tips and tricks, helpful blogging guides.

Follow him on twitter@js_bank or connect with him on facebook@jsbank if you want. His websites for your knowledge:,,

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