Lastest JavaScripts: Shooting
Lastest JavaScripts: ShootingenCopyright (C) JavaScriptBank.com60[email protected] RSSSwatFly-The Exterminator<img src="" width="100" height="100" align="left" style="margin: 5px;" />Use a crop duster to exterminate little <a href="/javascript/email/">e-mail</a> smilies that stick out their tounges. NO GIFS, JUST CODE FUN!! Gives you that classic gaming feeling.
1170115956Cannon Fire<img src="" width="100" height="100" align="left" style="margin: 5px;" />A <a href="/javascript/game/shooting/">shooting gun</a> <a href="/javascript/game/">game</a> with cannon. Use arrow keys to move and Spacebar to fire.
1170115951Shooting Gallery<img src="" width="100" height="100" align="left" style="margin: 5px;" />Use the bow & arrow to <a href="/javascript/game/shooting/">shooting gun</a> the balloons... but NOT the animals.
1170115945Shoot the Rockets<img src="" width="100" height="100" align="left" style="margin: 5px;" />Use your mouse to aim and <a href="/javascript/game/shooting/">shooting gun</a> at rockets that fly across the screen. It may require some practice timing the shots to compensate for the distances. Interestingly, the <a href="/javascript/game/">game</a> never ends -- just play as long as you want. Sweet!
1170115903'Shoot the Popup Target' Games<img src="" width="100" height="100" align="left" style="margin: 5px;" />This game script provides a highly customizable 'engine' to make different target-style games using different images, sounds, and other parameters. There are a lot of settings to adjust for each game, basically your imagination is the limit.
1170115880Sewer Rat Invasion Version 3D<img src="" width="100" height="100" align="left" style="margin: 5px;" />Similar to 3D cyclops but this times the enemy are mutant rats! And you're in their sewer.
1170115866David vs Goliath<img src="" width="100" height="100" align="left" style="margin: 5px;" />The giant is advancing, you as David can have only a few slings at him.
1170115857Cyclop 3D<img src="" width="100" height="100" align="left" style="margin: 5px;" />A find-and-shoot game, use '<' and '>' keys to rotate, 'Z' key to fire
1170115852Mach Shooter Arena<img src="" width="100" height="100" align="left" style="margin: 5px;" />A <a href="/javascript/game/shooting/">shooting gun</a> game.