CSS3 - une plus grande CSS standard pour la conception de mise en page HTML sur des applications web - est progressivement largement utilisées. Google Chrome, Safari, ... article page JavaScript pour les adresses des ressources CSS3.
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Beautiful CSS buttons with icon set
buttons for your website.
I love clean design and in general simple solutions to design nice and
attractive elements for my websites. This tutorial illustrates how to design
nice clean buttons using some lines of HTML, CSS code and proxal
icon set. The result is something like this:
CSS Oval buttons
CSS Oval Buttons and
Square Buttons from Dynamic Drive are two other articles that show the
effectiveness of CSS sliding doors.
Create a CSS3 Button That Degrades Nicely
There was a time where creating a nice looking, scalable button required
heavy use of images, the sliding doors technique and even some javascript. As it
stands a lot of the modern browsers support the css we would like to use to
create a nice looking button. Firefox, Safari and Opera all have support for
rounder corners, box shadows and text shadows. What used to take six steps and
lots of extra mark-up, images and css, now only takes three steps and some
simple CSS3.
Buttons without Images Using CSS3
When wanting to add anything more than very basic styling to a button on a
webpage, images are often used as the styling offered by CSS has been limited,
especially when one wants to keep the HTML semantically clean. There are also
notorious browser differences when styling any kind of form elements across
browser and platforms
Demo: http://my.opera.com/dstorey/blog/show.dml/717521
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