
Ultimate d\'outils pour les d?veloppeurs JavaScript Awesome Ce JavaScript tutorial va vous montrer une liste de nombreux outils JavaScript , des outils web , outils de blogging et biblioth?ques JavaScript pour nous aider ? d?velopper des applications Web en JavaScript Ces outils Web dans ce tutoriel comprennent JavaScript article sure outils de compression de code , JavaScript ?diteurs et les IDE , le code source des outils de d?bogage et d'autres outils utiles , utiles biblioth?ques JavaScript , utilitaires et applications
Liste des Ultimate Web de D?veloppement des ressources avec JavaScript , HTML , CSS et Livres

? 20+ Helpful Web Tools for Better Code Development

? Ultimate de Awesome JavaScript biblioth?ques pour les applications bas?es sur le Web

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Other Useful Tools

Pretty pink

PrettyPink is an in-browser JavaScript variable dumper that enables you to print out an pbject of any type in table format for viewing during debuggin sessions. It requires no stylesheets or images, handles infinite nested objects, protects against circular / repeated references and fully validates with JSLint.

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Firediff is a Firebug extension to track changes to a DOM and CSS ie implements a change monitor which provides insight into the functionality of the application as well as provide a record of the changes and tweak the page�s display.

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JS charts is a JavaScript Chart generator that allows you to create charts in different templates like bar charts, pie charts or simple line graphs.

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Page Speed

PageSpeed is an open source Firefox / Firebug Add one which is used to evaluate the performance of their web pages and to get sugestions to improve them. Also makes your site faster, reduces the bandwidth usage and hosting costs.

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Razor Web Profiler

Rockstar Web Profiler or Razor has three components namely RockStar Profiler Server for analyzing network and server side performance, RockStar Profiler Probe for analyzing client side performance and RockStar Profiler Console, an analytical console for analyzing collected performance data.

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A mobile (safari) JavaScript framework weighs less than 8kb when minified, falls back on Sizzle selector library for iPhone, encourages CSS transitions and animations, is object oriented and easy to extend.

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php.js is an open source project to bring high level PHP functions to low level JavaScript platforms such as web browsers, browser extensions, AIR and SSJS engines like V8, Rhino and SpiderMonkey.

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JSSpec is JavaScript BehaviorDrivenDevelopment Framework which shows the difference between expected and actual values, shows exactly the failed line, supports conditional executions aupports for IE 6 or IE 7, FireFox 2 and Safari 3.

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MochaUI is a web application user interface library built on Mootools JavaScript framework used in web application, web desktops, websites, widgets and standalone Windows and Modal dialogs.

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Highlight.js highlights syntax in code examples on blogs, forums and in fact on any web pages. Automatically finds blocks of code, detects a language and highlights it.

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