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Page Footer 




How to create a Pinned Footer for your site




How to create a dynamic animated footer ad for your site




Cross-browser Sticky Footer with Fluid Height



How to create a Sticky-Footer


How to automatically use jQuery to size your footer Height




Fixed-Position Website Toolbars




How To Create a Website Toolbar And Add Widgets to it



Facebook Style Footer-Toolbar from Soh Tanaka



JixedBar - A Fixed-Position Toolbar plugin for jQuery


Floating Footer Toolbar


CSS3 Fixed-Position Toolbar for your site with Social Networking Icons




And that's it!. If you're interested in learning more about jQuery and JavaScript and would like to stay up to date with the latest articles, please feel free to subscribe to the RSS feed. Alternatively, you can access to my weekly and daily JavaScript recommendations by joining either my Fan page or my Facebook Group, jQuery Awesome. Thanks!



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