Il existe différentes façons de configurer votre site Web avec les onglets, et il ya beaucoup de codes différents complètement utiliser CSS avec l'aide de JavaScript cadres, tels que jQuery, MooTools. Ce libre JavaScript article vous montrera certains représentants sont considérés comme le meilleur.
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There are a lot of different ways to implement tabs in our website. I had seen pure CSS implementation, Javascript implementation such as jQuery and MooTools tabs. Recently, my client request me to add tab interface to the current theme. So, i googled the web and found a lot of free scripts to do so. now, I am going to list down useful Javascript tabs that I found.
jQuery plugin
1) jQuery UI Tabs
This tab script is built in to the jQuery UI and there are a lot of
configurations. For example, you can have rotating tabs, nested tabs,
and etc.
2) jQuery idTabs
jQuery idTabs makes adding tabs into a website super simple, but it also open the door to endless possibilities.
3) Minitabs ? jQuery minimalistic approach to tabs
Minitabs looks simple, but I can?t found any working demo from the website.
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