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The Render Engine is a cross-browser, open source game engine written entirely in JavaScript. Designed from the ground up to be extremely flexible, it boasts an extensive API and uses the newest features of today�s modern browsers.
A cross-browser engine which is very flexible and comes with an extensive API.
It uses object-pooling to reduce garbage collection.
Abstraction around the Canvas DOM element and any DOM element exists to standardize access to the capabilities of 2D rendering.
Box2d is the physics engine integrated, has support for touch inputs and much more.
It is a HTML5 game framework for building games that'll feel native and work fast in modern touchscreens and desktop browsers.
LimeJS is created with Closure Library built by Google and comes with functions/classes to control the timeline, events, shapes and animations.
Also, the framework has full support of sprite sheets (you can collect all images inside a single file).
A 2D game library powered by HTML5 which supports canvas and ordinary DOM based sprites through the same API.
It has a satisfactory sprite constructor for a higher abstraction for the characters.
Jaws makes handling keystrokes easier, providing string-identifiers for each key and anywhere in the code, you can instantly check if a key is pressed down.
Tom�s Halls � A JavaScript Platform Game Engine
Tom�s Halls is a JavaScript platform game engine. Version 3.0 of Tom�s Halls basically "completes" the game � literally, as there is now a game-won sequence. Game-wise the playing area has been increased to 41 screens, various new retro sprites make an appearance, and many of the existing screens have been tweaked and revised.
Unity 3 is a game development tool(JS background, include commercial and free version) that has been designed to let you focus on creating amazing games.
Vegalib is a library and other related tools for creating games using Vexi.
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