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xc.js is a framework for HTML Canvas games in Javascript. It�s simple and fun to use and you can even try it out right here in your browser.
But that�s not all. xc.js also runs on other platforms. You can write your games in Javascript and run them in all sorts of cool places (like on your phone!).
It is a very fresh framework and not as mature as others in the list.
At the core of xc.js, the concepts are scenes, nodes, actions, and events.
Sound support, Box2d and networking are the features to be mentioned in the "to-do-list" of the framework.
2. Some 3D JavaScript Engine
The Canvas 3D JS Libary (C3DL) is a JavaScript library that will make it easier to write 3D applications using WebGL. It provides a set of math, scene, and 3d object classes that makes WebGL more accessible for developers that want to develop 3D content in browser but do not want to have to deal in depth with the 3D math needed to make it work.
CopperLicht is a JavaScript 3D engine for creating games and 3d applications in the webbrowser. It uses the WebGL canvas supported by modern browsers and is able to render hardware accelerated 3d graphics without any plugins.
GLGE is a javascript library intended to ease the use of WebGL; which is basically a native browser javascript API giving direct access to openGL ES2, allowing for the use of hardware accelerated 2D/3D applications without having to download any plugins.
The aim of GLGE is to mask the involved nature of WebGL from the web developer, who can then spend his/her time creating richer content for the web.
JS3D is a library which allows you to have interactive 3d objects on your website, such as the spinning cube at the top of the page. The 3d effect is created using actual text, try selecting the text on the cube above! This is different from the approach of, for instance, these folks, who have made a better quality renderer, which is much more processor intensive. To see more functionality scroll to the demo section.
WebGL implementation of O3D is an open-source JavaScript API for creating rich, interactive 3D applications in the browser. Originally built as a browser plug-in, this new implementation of O3D is a JavaScript library implemented on top of WebGL.
Pre3d is a Javascript 3D rendering engine.
Sandy is a Flash 3D engine, available in 3 versions: AS2, AS3 and haXe(to JS).
SpiderGL is a JavaScript 3D Graphics library which relies on WebGL for realtime rendering.
SpiderGL provides typical structures and algorithms for realtime rendering to developers of 3D graphics web application, without forcing them to comply with some specific paradigm (i.e. it is not a scene graph) nor preventing low level access to the underlying WebGL graphics layer.
three.js is a javascript 3D engine. The aim of this project is to create a lightweight 3D engine with a very low level of abstraction (aka for dummies). Currently the examples are the documentation. Be aware that the API may change from revision to revision breaking backwards compatibility.
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