
10 Super expériences JavaScript Bon sur Google Chrome Chrome - un navigateur web de Google - car il est présenté, est devenu un phénomène de nombreux avantages supérieurs: une interface simple et conviviale, un processus rapide, ... communauté du développement, Ainsi que de nombreux des outils et des applications. utilitaires écrits en JavaScript, Avec une liste de 10 applications web sont considérés comme les meilleurs pour voir.

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BallDroppings by Josh Nimoy

Author's Note:'s a musical playtoy that looks like abstract pong. My hope is that i will be able to port enough of it to Javascript, and then use a bit of Flash to manage the sound. The result will be a limited version of BallDroppings that works in the browser. I might also provide instructions on how to begin interacting.

Google Gravity by Hi-ReS!

Author's Note:

"Everything that goes up must come down. But there comes a time when not everything that's down can come up."

George Burns couldn't probably imagine that his quote would eventually also be applied Google's main page.

Play with the elements and try searching whenever you get tired of it.

JS Fireworks by Kenneth Kufluk

Author's Note:

Write a message, then launch fireworks over London to show your message in the sky.

A shortened link to your fireworks message is provided, to post to Twitter, Facebook or other.

Requires latin-based characters to work.

Twitch by REAS

Author's Note:

TWITCH is a series of minimal games within small Chrome windows. How fast can you solve them all? Each game only responds to clicking; mouse position and keyboard are ignored.

Can you stay on the perilous belt? Can you accurately aim the booming cannon? Can you navigate through the electric pyramids? Can you solve the eerie labyrinth?

by ANDO Yasushi

Author's Note:

When you draw something on a canvas, it starts moving under the Newtonian law.

More Google Chrome JavaScript Experiments can be found .
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