Si vous êtes un programmeur, mettant peut-être caractéristique, dans l'IDE (Integrated Development Environment), n'est pas chose étrange avec vous. Sur le Web appplications maintenant, il ya beaucoup de bibliothèques qui nous soutenir cette opération, à la fois le serveur et le client. Toutefois, les bibliothèques clientes sont aimés. Cet libre JavaScript article  vous montre la liste des bibliothèques qui sont les mieux et gratuit.
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8. SHJS - Syntax Highlighting in JavaScript
SHJS is a JavaScript program which highlights source code passages in HTML documents. Documents using SHJS are highlighted on the client side by the web browser.
SHJS Support many languages too - Bison, CC++, C#, ChangeLog, CSS, Desktop files, DiffFlex, GLSL, Haxe, HTML, Java, Java properties files,JavaScript, JavaScript with DOM, LaTeX. LDAP files, Log files, LSM (Linux Software Map) files, M4, Makefile, Objective Caml, Oracle SQL, Pascal, Perl, PHP,Prolog, Python, RPM spec files, Ruby, S-Lang, Scala, Shell, SQLSt, andard ML, Tcl, XML, Xorg configuration files.
9. CodePress - Online Real Time Syntax Highlighting Editor
CodePress is web-based source code editor with syntax highlighting written in JavaScript that colors text in real time while it's being typed in the browser.
This editor offers several features like real-time syntax highlighting, code snippets, auto completion and multiple windows. Check out their website to see online demo version.
Demo page and download links are on the same first page.
10. Chili 2.2 jQuery code highlighter plugin
Chili is the jQuery code highlighter plugin which is very fast highlighting, trivial setup, fully customizable, thoroughly documented and MIT licensed.
Plugin supports several languages like C++, C#, CSS, Delphi, Java, JavaScript, LotusScript, MySQL, PHP, and XHTML and has many configuration options giving you very good control over code appearance.
Check out demo examples and install
11. Highlight - Code & Syntax highlighting by Andre Simon
Highlight converts source code to formatted text with syntax highlighting:
Colorized output in HTML, XHTML, RTF, TeX, LaTeX, SVG, BBCode and XML format
Supports 140+ programming languages
Includes 40 colour themes
Platform independent
12. BeautyOfCode: jQuery Plugin for Syntax Highlighting
BeautyOfCode is using Syntaxhighlighter as a base, but this plugin enables xhtml compliant syntax in beautiful way.
13. JUSH - JavaScript Syntax Highlighter
JavaScript Syntax Highlighter can be used for client-side syntax highlighting of following languages: html, css, javascript, php, mysql, SQLlite, Apache, PostgreSQL.
Highlights languages embedded into each other
Links to documentation of all languages
Colors can be easily modified via CSS
Recognizes complete PHP syntax including __halt_compiler, heredoc, backticks, {$} variables inside strings, namespaces
Works in all major browsers including Internet Explorer, Firefox, Opera
14. Ultraviolet - Syntax Highlighting Engine
Ultraviolet is a syntax highlighting engine based on Textpow - you must install it to use Ultraviolet first. Since it uses Textmatesyntax files, it offers out of the box syntax highlighting for more than 50 languages and 20 themes. Ultraviolet is at the same time a stand-alone command line utility and a Rubylibrary.
15. DlHighlight - JavaScript Syntax Highlighting Engine
This project is an extensive JavaScript-based syntax highlighting engine, check also why you should choose this engine instead of others.
Download and demo links are all in the same page.
16. Syntax highlighter for JavaScript
This online tool will syntax highlight JavaScript 1.2. code. The highlighting is based on patterns, it will not test for valid JavaScript. Put your code into the box, and tell it to syntax highlight. It may take a little while to highlight large amounts of code, be patient and let it finish.
The output format is HTML - designed so that you can create a Web page displaying your code. I enjoyed how this tool really displays code in very clean way!
Of course there are also many programs with already built in syntax highlighting support, but these online versions and JS scripts offer bigger control over highlighting and flexibility.
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