Le site Menu de navigation, Aide non seulement les visiteurs à naviguer sur votre site facilement mais c'est aussi une décoration indispensable de faire la mise en page Web devient de plus accrocheur et beau.
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In this article you'll discover some terrific and unique JavaScript-powered navigation techniques and examples.
Tip: clicking on each image will take you directly to the demo page of the navigation menu technique if it's on a separate page. Their names will take you to their project web page.
1. MenuMatic
This example takes semantic ordered or unordered list of links and turns it into a dynamic drop down menu system that can be vertically or horizontally oriented.
2. Animated Menu using jQuery
A technique for animating menu items when a user hovers over them. Source files, including the PSD file, are available to download.
3. Garagedoor Effect using jQuery
Gaya Kessler presents a wonder JavaScript menu that mimics the real garage door using jQuery.
4. JGlide Menu
A very unique menu that floats on the page. Users can drag it to a position they desire.
5. Vertical Sliding jQuery Menu
HVDesigns presents a menu that drops down and reveals more links.
6. Perspective Tabs
You can have scrolling tabs with animation using this technique.
7. Vertical Digg-like Menu
Antonio Lupetti presents a Digg-like menu that uses simple JavaScript.
8. LavaLamp
When you hover an item, you'll see the CSS sliding door technique created using jQuery. An alternate version for MooTols can be here.
9. Fisheye Menu
If you're a big fan of the Mac dock you will enjoy this menu.
10. Simple JavaScript Accordions
A great technique for integrating accordion-style menus into your site.
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