
23 + grandes utilités pour accélérer le Javascript/AJAX pour le développement À l'heure actuelle, il existe beaucoup d'outils/utilitaires de nous aider pour la construction JavaScript/AJAX plus rapidement.

�tiquette: 23, plus rapide, développement, outil

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4-Google AJAX Language API With the AJAX Language API, you can translate and detect the language of blocks of text within a webpage using only Javascript. The language API is designed to be simple and easy to use to translate and detect languages on the fly when offline translations are not available.

5-Got API An easy to use interface that helps you reach the methods and functions of many JavaScript frameworks by getting the data from trusted sources and websites.

6-WaveMaker Visual Ajax Studio WaveMaker's Studio and Framework provides a powerful solution for rapidly developing web-based applications. Drag & drop assembly of widgets and service, code-free integration of web-services, databases and Ajax UI, and one-touch deployment to standard Tomcat servers all work seamlessly together to let you build complete web apps in hours!


7- SproutCoreSproutCore is a framework for building applications in JavaScript with remarkably little amounts of code. It can help you build full "thick" client applications in the web browser that can create and modify data, often completely independent of your web server, communicating with your server via Ajax only when they need to save or load data.

8-JavaScriptMVCJavaScriptMVC is a framework that brings methods to the madness of JavaScript development. It guides you to successfully completed projects by promoting best practices, maintainability, and convention over configuration.

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