Codage/programmation des applications web services web, est un travail de longue haleine si on ne pas utiliser d'outil de soutien Aujourd'hui, dans ce message, ACC @ nk voudrais vous pr?senter une liste d'outils 20 + utiles pour vous aider ? coder les applications web beaucoup mieux, plus vite
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Plus de 1.000.000 de clients + existisng peuvent pas avoir tort, vraiment vous n'�tes pas aussi! Plus important encore, lorsque vous enregistrez l'h�bergement web � iPage gr�ce � notre lien, nous allons �tre heureux de renvoyer un plein remboursement. C'est g�nial! Vous devriez essayer iPage h�bergement web GRATUITEMENT maintenant! Et contactez-nous pour tout ce que vous devez savoir sur iPage.
Developing websites is much more than just a pretty face, and depending on what typed of features you'd like to implement on the site, there's a lot of coding that goes into it. Many times designers turn to a WYSIWYG tool, however tools of that sort are more limited to advanced code. Being able to code a site using a variety of tools lets you simplify the coding process while you take a big bite out of saving time.
Below we've hand picked 20+ Tools for Quick & Clean Code Development that will help you code much faster and in an efficient manner.
MiniAjax is pretty much a large collection of downloadable AJAX scripts, for customization on your site. Most of these scripts are configurable, and guide you through the implementation.
Clean AJAX
Clean AJAX provides a high level interface to work with the AJAX technology. It's created to solve problems found in AJAX applications. This tool will save you time and help you fix and tidy up your code.
The Rich Internet Application Toolkit (Rialto) is an ajax-based cross browser library with lots of widgets. Rialto gives you quick and easy access to rich internet application development. As a developer, you'll virtually need no understanding of DHTML, Ajax or DOM code.
ThinWire is mostly driven by an open source development framework that allows you to build applications for the web that have usable and interactive user interfaces. You'll be able to complete projects at a fraction of the time, all while handling the view-layer of your Java EE (J2EE) applications.
AjaxDaddy is a resource site filled with useful and time-saving AJAX scripts for your website. You can find anything from slide shows to customized feeds.
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