
Attention Hacker iOS : Bugs App Store peuvent voler vos contacts Une renomm?e pirate d'Apple, Charlie Miller, A averti qu'il y est un cadeau s?rieux bogue dans iOS qui peuvent causer beaucoup de d?g?ts pour les utilisateurs t?l?chargeant des applications d' App Store d'Apple
Charlie, Ce bug peut laisser les pirates d'avoir un contr?le sur la appareils iOS des utilisateurs qui peuvent ?ventuellement conduire ? d'autres dommages tels que avoir un acc?s ? leurs contacts , photos et autres documents importants pr?sents dans le dispositif .

�tiquette: Attention Hacker iOS, Bugs App Store, iOS, App Store d'Apple

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A renowned Apple hacker, Charlie Miller, has warned that there is a serious bug present in iOS which can cause a lot of damage to the users downloading applications from Apple's app store. According to Charlie, this bug can let the hackers to have control over the devices of the users which can eventually lead to further damage such as having an access to their contacts, photographs and other important documents present in the device. What's more, users won't even know that the security of their device has been breached and their important information has been accessed.

Charlie has researched this issue extensively and according to him, Apple's app store is not as secured as it seems to be and there are still certain bugs that can lead to disaster. He was recently interviewed by CNN during which he said that it is generally considered the Apple's app store is one of the most secure online places to download applications. But the app store is not as secure as most people think and due to this latest bug in iOS, anyone downloading applications from the app store can be prone to attack by the hackers. People should avoid downloading application from the app store unless required necessarily before Apple fixes the bug.

According to Charlie, he warned Apple about this issue a few weeks ago and was told that the company is working to fix this bug as soon as possible. But official statement from Apple could not be made available on this issue. Meanwhile, Charlie considered it better to expose this flaw in iOS so that people might be alerted and won't become unknown victims to the attacks by hackers. This flaw in iOS can allow the hackers to install a certain malicious code on the devices of random users via an app. After installation, that app could be used to retrieve important information such as photographs, contacts etc. from the device without the user knowing about it. Most probably this bug would also be discussed during the computer security conference that would soon be held in Taiwan. So far, Charlie thinks that this flaw in the OS has not been manipulated but if not fixed as soon as possible, it can lead to serious problems. Ironically, Charlie was banned by Apple from iOS developer program for a year because he had uploaded an application just to test this flaw.

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