
Why Performance Testing Is Important Before Launch When you incorporate performance testing into your workflow, particularly prior to the launch of a new app, network, piece of software, website, or device, you increase the odds of that product being successful and helping you move your company forward.

�tiquette: performance testing, launch digital product, security issues

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There are many advantages to doing performance testing before a launch, and there are also many benefits to avoiding performance testing mistakes, and some of those are listed below.

Assess How Your Product Will Work in the Real World

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Whether you are getting ready to launch a new piece of software, a mobile app, or your business's website, if you use performance testing in the right way, you can gauge exactly how that product will perform in the real world.

While you may think that you have developed a fine product, the truth is that it may not perform as well as you had originally anticipated once it is actually launched and available to the public. Performance testing gives you the opportunity to simulate how the product will respond under real world conditions, and you will be able to also evaluate the speed at which the product runs, and how your business can respond to problems.

Check for Security Issues

Whenever you launch a digital product, there will always be the risk of hackers being able to access it, whether it is an app or a website. With performance testing at your disposal, you will be able to test the product to see just how easy it is to break in and manipulate or steal valuable and sensitive information and data.

In other words, you can use performance testing to assess the security of your product prior to its launch so that you can fix any security holes before anyone can take advantage of them. It is especially helpful if you have staff members who are well-versed in ethical hacking and can really test every corner of your website, app, software, etc. effectively.

Fix Problems Before a Launch

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This benefit is pretty obvious by this point, but it is still worth mentioning: after performance testing is complete, you will have a much better idea of how well your product works and what, if anything, needs to be tweaked in order to get it to perform at its best.

The last thing that you want to do is launch a product that is flawed, disrupt your customers' experience with it, damage your reputation, and have to take the product down completely to fix it and then re-launch it. Instead, doing performance testing allows you to clearly see what needs to be fixed before you even launch the product. In the end, you will be able to launch a perfect product that works flawlessly and just as you need it to.

As you can see, there are plenty of great reasons why performance testing should be incorporated into your workflow, particularly prior to the launch of any new business product. It can save you a lot of time, frustration, and embarrassment in the long run.


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