
32 Amazing sites vCard Mini avec Animation Slick Javascript Cet article JavaScript montre une liste de collection créative - 32 super nice u0026 Layouts rares conçu ressemblera vCard Mini, et de l'animation ( coulissant, fading et de navigation par tabulation) sont effectuées par JavaScript, basé sur le célèbre JavaScript cadres, Tels que: jQuery, MooTools, ...

�tiquette: 32, étonnant, Mini, vCard, slick, animation, Creative, layout, coulissant, fading, jQuery, MooTools

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This is something new, I believe some of us may not even realized there are getting more and more people design vcard website. I able to to find 30 of them, and including mine. :)

Most of them are having a same features - they are all using javascript animation like sliding, fading and tab navigation. I present you 30 amazing Mini vcard websites with slick javascript animation. Enjoy.

My vCard

Thanks for the inspirations from all the following websites. I managed to create one for myself. I made a futuristic design with dark wooden background and jQuery for the animation.

vCard Collection

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