Il s'agit d'une liste de 35 applications JavaScript, ressources JavaScript, Les bibliothèques JavaScript (cadres), des outils JavaScript qui pourraient vous aider à réduire votre temps de développer des applications JavaScript, applications web. frameworks JavaScript, La création de feuilles de calcul basé sur le Web, d'emballage ou la compression des codes JavaScript, diagrammes, graphiques, ...
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17 Javascript Animation Frameworks Worth Checking Out
Here are some examples of Javascript animation frameworks that are really worth checking out.
Chrome Experiments
These experiments were created by designers and programmers from around the world using the latest open standards, including HTML5, Canvas, SVG, and more. Their work is making the web faster, more fun, and more open - the same spirit in which we built Google Chrome.
boingPic - a javascript experiment
This is a simple experiment using javascript and jQuery which allows you to make an image of your choice all boingy!
Mind-blowing JavaScript Experiments
The following JavaScript experiments demonstrates the amazing
capabilities of the modern browsers such as Chrome and Safari. In this
post is showcased to you an array of experiments that will surely blows
your mind off. Most of the following runs best in Chrome or Safari
Dygraphs: Create interactive graphs from open source Javascript library
Dygraphs is an open source JavaScript library
that produces an interactive, zoom-able charts of the present time
series. It is mainly designed to display the dense data sets and enable
the users to explore and interpret them. It is a JavaScript
Visualization Library.
Building an interactive map with jQuery instead of Flash
To make the map as engaging as possible, there needed to be smooth
animations and crisp graphics. Traditionally such a project would
require the use of Flash. We try to avoid Flash whenever possible, so
we began to consider how the project could be accomplished in jQuery.
AnythingZoomer jQuery Plugin
You have a small area. You mouse over it. An area pops up giving you a
zoomed in closer look. This is a jQuery plugin that does it. I'm not
going to tell you what you should use it for or elaborate use-case
scenarios. Your own creativity can help you there.
Scripts for Adobe Illustrator CS (JavaScript)
This archive includes many sample scripts (not well commented yet
confused) tested with Adobe Illustrator CS3 13.0.3, Windows XP SP2
(Japanese version).
Google Chart Tools
The Google Chart Tools enable adding live charts to any web page.
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