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The color is important when it comes to making money consistently with Google Adsense. The best thing is to choose a color scheme which enhances the look of your page and draws attention to the ads. You will have to make sure that your ads are attractive and they are appealing to the visitors. If you are using a color scheme which is not giving importance to the ads, you will not be able to generate as many clicks as many you should. You would never reach your potential this way.
Using Adsense means doing everything according to the Adsense. You have to set the color of the page according to your ads unit. You will also have to make sure that your ads have the proper color. Also, you will have to adjust your font. If your font is way too big and your ads are not properly visible and they are looking like aliens, they will not get clicked. So you have to dress up not only your ads but your website as well.
The border of the Google Adsense ads cannot help you. It destroys the look of the ads unit and gives you bad color scheme at the same time. You will have to live without the border. The Google gives you this option and you can easily get your ads without a border.
Also make sure that while you are choosing the color of the Google Adsense ads unit, try different combinations. Try a different background color and use a different font color. Simple things like this can help you to generate more clicks. More clicks will result in increased revenue and that is exactly what you would like to have.
The link in the ads is another important thing to look for. You can make everything look good but if the link in the ads is not looking good then the ads will not get clicked. You will have to make sure that the link color also suits your entire color theme. As a simple rule, choose blue for the link color. It goes best with almost all the color schemes. But if you feel that blue is not working for you, you can always try different colors and can see for yourself which colors looks and works the best. Keep in mind that the color which will look good and will match the entire color scheme of the website will get most clicked.
Color scheme is an important factor and it definitely affects your click rate. If you have worked well on your color scheme, you are definitely going to get higher click-through rate and you will be a happy Google Adsense user.
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