
Meilleures jQuery/JavaScript Pickers couleur . a présenté beaucoup de puissants. Les sélecteurs de couleurs JavaScript à travers de nombreuses années :

 . JavaScript Tigra Color Picker  . JavaScript jCommutez Color Picker  . JavaScript HTML Color Picker 1.0  . JavaScript Color Picker . est désireux de présenter les sélecteurs de couleurs plus jQuery pour booster votre web, s'il vous plaît vérifier la liste pour choisir celui qui vous convient , ou dites-nous votre JavaScript/jQuery sélecteur de couleur préférée.

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If you are missing your favorite color pickers, let us know and we'll add them to the list immediately!


A JavaScript Native Color Picker Polyfill for Internet Explorer for the HTML5 <input type="color">.


Unlike many other color pickers out there, colorjoe is truly scaleable. It is based on CSS and does not depend on external images. As a result, you can tweak its size to fit your purposes. Supports touch and AMD module definition as well.

Flexi ColorPicker

No flash, images, external libraries, CSS or 1px divs.


jQuery Simple Color is a very simple color-picker jQuery plugin that displays a square grid of selectable colors. I found a lot of the other color-picker plugins quite heavy, so I ended up writing this to provide a dead-simple alternative. The list of colors it uses can be customized, and the layout size etc can be configured to a certain extent.


The jQuery plugin for color editing on your website.

JavaScript ColorPicker

This JavaScript ColorPicker is a light weight all-rounder (~ 29kB - only 1 file*; 12.8kB gZiped) that can display and let you choose the entire color palette in HSB and RGB color modes.

This highly customizable, easy to install and speed optimized app comes in 4 different sizes (from 151 x 87 pixels to 407 x 302 pixels) and therefore different feature levels so you can use it for every supposable cause from 'easy choice' to 'professional determination'. That's probably all you'll ever need to let your clients choose the right color. You'll also find a lot of extra helpers and smart features that make life easier.


Farbtastic is a jQuery plug-in that can add one or more color picker widgets into a page through JavaScript. Each widget is then linked to an existing element (e.g. a text field) and will update the element's value when a color is selected.


mooRainbow is a powerful JavaScript color picker that allows you to visually choose and use colors as a real and useful application.


jPicker is a fast, lightweight jQuery plugin for including an advanced color picker in your web projects. It has been painstakenly ported from John Dyers' awesome work on his picker using the Prototype framework.


Phong Thai Phong Thai is a Web Developer, Web Coder for 20 years with PHP, JavaScript, CSS. He is the creator of - provide thousands of free JavaScript code examples, web development tips and tricks, helpful blogging guides.

Follow him on twitter@js_bank or connect with him on facebook@jsbank if you want. His websites for your knowledge:,,
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