
Exemples jQuery essentiels pour les concepteurs Web jQuery est de plus en plus important que nous le pensons, m

�tiquette: animation effets de survol jQuery, glisser jQuery DIV, de transition des images jQuery, jQuery UI accord

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4a. Accordion #1

Here is a sample of accordion. (view demo)

The first line will add a CSS class "active" to the first <H3> element within the <div class="accordion"> (the "active" class will shift the background position of the arrow icon). The second line will hide all the <p> element that is not the first within the <div class="accordion">.

When the <h3> element is clicked, it will slideToggle the next <p> and slideUp all its siblings, then toggle the class="active".


	$(".accordion h3:first").addClass("active");
	$(".accordion p:not(:first)").hide();

	$(".accordion h3").click(function(){




4b. Accordion #2

This example is very similar to accordion#1, but it will let you specify which panel to open as default. (view demo)

In the CSS stylesheet, set .accordion p to display:none. Now suppose you want to open the third panel as default. You can write as $(".accordion2 p").eq(2).show(); (eq = equal). Note that the indexing starts at zero.


	$(".accordion2 h3").eq(2).addClass("active");
	$(".accordion2 p").eq(2).show();

	$(".accordion2 h3").click(function(){


5a. Animated hover effect #1

This example will create a nice animated hover effect with fade in/out. (view demo)

When the menu link is mouseovered, it will find the next <em> and animate its opacity and top position.


	$(".menu a").hover(function() {
	  $(this).next("em").animate({opacity: "show", top: "-75"}, "slow");
	}, function() {
	  $(this).next("em").animate({opacity: "hide", top: "-85"}, "fast");


5b. Animated hover effect #2

This example will get the menu linktitle attribute, store it in a variable, and then append to the <em> tag. (view demo)

The first line will append an empty <em> to the menu <a> element.

When the link is mouseovered, it will get thetitle attribute, store it in a variable "hoverText", and then set the <em> text content with the hoverText's value.


	$(".menu2 a").append("<em></em>");

	$(".menu2 a").hover(function() {
	  $(this).find("em").animate({opacity: "show", top: "-75"}, "slow");
	  var hoverText = $(this).attr("title");
	}, function() {
	  $(this).find("em").animate({opacity: "hide", top: "-85"}, "fast");


6. Entire block clickable

This example will show you how to make the entire block element clickable as seen on my Best Web Gallery's sidebar tabs. (view demo)

Suppose you have a <ul> list with class="pane-list" and you want to make the nested <li> clickable (entire block). You can assign the click function to ".pane-list li"; and when it is clicked, the function will find the <a> element and redirect the browser location to its href attribute value.


	$(".pane-list li").click(function(){
	  window.location=$(this).find("a").attr("href"); return false;


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