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Slope-Intercept Solver This Linear Equation generator asks you to find the relationship between X and Y. This is a straight line formula in the form of Y=MX+B where M is the slope and B is the y-intersect.

Category: Calculation, Math

Base Converter A base converter. Just type a valid positive number in any one of the boxes and click outside the box. The equivalent will appear in the other boxes.

Commercial Calculator V1 The code makes a commercial calculator code on the web page.

Basic Calculator This is a very simple calculator, all done with javascript. Just click the numbers and the operators and use the '=' button to calculate! This is a neat example of the LIMITLESS powers of JavaScript.

ASCII Engine Enter any keyboard character and the Ascii Engine outputs the character's equivalent in Ascii Decimal, Ascii Hex, and even binary.

Category: Calculation

Pass Textbox Copies the text in a box in the left frame into a box in the right frame when the button is clicked. A clever way to pass values in frames.

Category: Browser, Frame

Absolute Popup Box This popup box is not an actual window. It pops right up on the page, partially hiding the page content. No need to worry about popup blockers. Good for bios, site maps, and other short items.

Category: Browser

Time Controlled Popunder Window This versatile popunder window script allows you to precisely control how often the window pops under, in terms of 'once every x hours'. For example, specifying 24 hours translates into the script popping under only once a day. Furthermore, you can modify this duration at anytime, and the script will reset itself to the new duration (ie: 8 hours instead). Cool.

Category: Cookie

ScrollBar by Using JavaScript This JavaScript is upgraded version from Colorful Scrollbar script with shorter source code. Hope this version is useful for you.

Category: Browser, Scrollbars

Reveal JavaScript This script will apply a neat effect to reveal a page's content when the user clicks a link.

Category: Browser, Page effect
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