A simple international country and state drop down list that automatically repopulates the state section based on the country selected without page refreshes. Select a country and the country's states or provinces are listed on the right. If the country doesn't have any states or provines configured, a text box is displayed.
Copy the shipping address fields to the billing address using a checkbox. Simple and easy to implement!
The first dropdown box selects the category; the second is a sub-category of the first. Compact and easy to use.
This JavaScript allows for the selection of multiple checkboxes in a form. It create the buttons dynamically with unobtrusive JavaScript.
This JavaScript will sort tables with ease, creating alternating row colors, as well. Easy to implement.
As soon as the user enters characters into a textfield, this JavaScript will provide suggestions based on the list in the array.
This JavaScript verifies that a string looks like a real e-mail address.
Prevent e-mail link harvesting by spammer's robots. Nothing is displayed in the file where this script is used, other than an empty span element. The mailto link is added dynamically, and will not show up even when you "View Source".
This JavaScript allows a user to read a volume of text, without having to scroll the page and without having to load different pages. This makes for easier maintenance as only one page needs to be updated, yet the content is visible to search engines. Very useful for large amounts of text.