
Current Date & Time (Short) Put the current date & time on your page with this cool little JavaScript coding. All of 3 lines.....

Category: Time,

Current Date & Time (Long) This is the somewhat longer way to put the current date & time on your page. It writes in a longer date and time format than the previous date & time script. The script is also longer....

Category: Time,

Date-Clock-Internet Time script Reads your system time/date and displays it on the page, complete with Internet time. Neat! IE4+ and NS6+

Category: Time,

Day of Week script Calculate what day of the week a given date was. It works for leap years and also tells you whether the date is in the past future or today.

Category: Time,

Days Left script Procrastinators everywhere, rejoice! If many of your projects end up being due on the first of the month, do you know how many days do you have left? This JavaScript calculates and displays the number of days (not weekdays) left in the current month in a snap. And, the script has no trouble with leap year or Y2K.

Category: Time,

Day Counter script If you've ever wondered how many wednesdays there are in the current month, this script will tell you that. It can be modified to work with any day of the week, if not all of them together!

Category: Time,

Date Difference script Enter two dates (including the time!) and this script will display the number of weeks, days, hours, minutes, and seconds between the two. The seconds field is optional, too. For an example, try entering your birthdate and compare it to today's date.

Category: Time,

Basic Web Calendar This open source calendar contains three style of calendar blocks. Setup information are in each sample.

Category: Time,

Display days remaining in year Use this JavaScript to calculate the number of days between now and the end of the year.

Category: Time,

BCD Clock script BCD is a special binary system where EACH individual decimal digit is represented by 4 binary bits. So, the binary count can go no higher than 9 ("10" would be represented by 8 binary digits: 4 for the "1", and 4 for the "0").

Category: Time,

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