This JavaScript supplies all the search engines you could ever want on one page.
This JavaScript converts special HTML characters to their entities version inside user entered data such as a TEXTAREA before the form is submitted.
Need to create a F.A.Q for your Web site? Use this JavaScript to hide/reveal content on a Web page. Keep your long documents short.
Determine if a credit card number could be valid before submitting it for real-time online authentication. Based on ANSI X4.13, the LUHN formula, aka the Mod 10 algorithm is used to validate accurate credit card numbers. Heavily commented.
Don't worry any more about editing the code by hand, use our code generator! Fill out the date you would like to countdown to and click the generate button. Just add this generated code to your site, or even have us mail it to you! Neat.
This JavaScript checks to see if the user has cookies enabled in his browser. If not, it displays an alert window letting them know your site is using cookies. Use alone or add to your JavaScript cookie script.
This program makes it easy to type in binary. You enter the text in the box designated and each key press is translated to binary and added to a box below. The result in the bottom box can then be copied and pasted and used for... whatever...
AJAX - a very great web development technology nowaday. Use this AJAX in order to load XML and HTML files on the same website with XMLHttpRequest. And in the body
section, just call the name of the file need to get page content and the element for the content page display in, usually a DIV
Let your visitors change the style sheet on your Web site. This JavaScript will let your visitors choose between five style sheets, which you can create yourself or use the ones included.